From Hard Drop Tetris Wiki
This opener is also known as "SPDC", A troll opener concept by URATOS and edited and polished by GRENKIFY. This opener starts with two T-spin Singles and finishes with a Neo-TSD and an incomplete TST (TSD).
This opener is intended to be terrible and cursed (mildly disturbing). <3
First Bag
The opener starts with the mons base. Early O before S/Z is required.
Second Bag
This bag is not 100%. O>L
Cut Copy
If you can't make it, this is an alternative.
Third Bag
There are many ways to build this bag.
If possible, best to wait for a second T for a double TSD attack. If it's impossible to make an over hang, you are free to take the Neo-TSD and continue the build.
Fourth Bag
Freestyle stage. Best to make a 8-1 stack here.
See also [How to do Neo-TSD] [UDT (Uratos Double Triple) Cannon] Better SSDD opener