The Tetris Company

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The Tetris Company, or TTC, currently own and license Tetris rights through Elorg. Henk Rogers and Alexey Pajitnov established the company in 1996, when the ten year Russian license expired. With the creation of TTC, unlicensed made games felt pressure, since TTC had to protect its trademark rights. Licensed games would start to follow a Tetris Guideline maintained by TTC and include TTC's "Authentic Tetris Game" seal. During the summer they updated their page and mentioned changing their name to Tetris Holding Company. The update was temporary and the site reverted back soon after. In an interview with Pajitnov, he confirmed this as well as mentioned finishing the contract with Elorg. Most recent games confirm this.

TTC owns the copyright and trademark on all aspects of the game (including the 7 tetriminoes).

Most of the screenshots on this wiki are copyrighted by The Tetris Company, but used here under fair use. For fan games and other screenshots which are not copyrighted by The Tetris Company, the copyright is owned by the creator of the game. Again, these images are used under fair use.

The Tetris Company official website includes a playable version of Tetris with only the standard mode available. Also it includes updates on the Tetris Company thorough twitter.


Sheffield, Brandon. "Alexy Pajitnov, Master of Shapes." Game Developer Sep. 2006: 10 .

See also

External links