The Seagull Special is a T-Spin Opener setup designed for any piece order starting with SZ. It creates a T-Spin Single in the first bag and can be easily followed up with a Donation T-Spin Double, while leaving behind a board suitable for Tetris stacking. The Seagull was created by the Hard Drop user ZHL.
It is a useful setup for beginners who do not want to learn the multitude of SZ openers for differing situations, and for experts looking for a reliable anti-Perfect Clear strategy. If desired, it is possible to follow up with a third, or even fourth T-spin, but these are much more situational to create than the first two. For most players, it is better to follow up the donation with Tetris stacking to move as quickly as possible.
Build Order
As stated previously, the Seagull can be built where there is any SZ start. However, it is also possible to build the Seagull without the use of mirrors. The only pieces which are reliant on each other are L and J; if J comes before L, and if hold cannot be used, then place the J piece as shown, and soft drop the L into position.
For players looking to build quickly, however, building the mirror can allow the Seagull to be built solely with hard drops.
Second Bag
In the second bag, one can make a TSD with a 100% rate of stacking, and only requires the knowledge of two setups to cover all cases. If L comes before O, then use the first loading method. If O comes before L, the use the second loading method.
Sometimes, the Z piece will come after the S piece. Placing the Z piece into the hole is easy and does not even require a true Z-Spin, simply rotate clockwise and place the piece as shown in the first figure below, then rotate clockwise twice more.
In case of the first loading method, it can be continued with another T-Spin Double.
Perfect Clear Follow-up
Theoretically, the Seagull Special can be followed up by a Perfect Clear using the second and third bags. The precise possibilities have not been documented; however, a variety of board shapes (and their following possibility of Perfect Clear) have been determined:
Here are some derivations from some selected setups from the fumen.
Non-Tetris Derivations
The term "non-Tetris" here means a Tetris is not done beforehand.
- First setup derivation (84.72% PC rate)
- Second setup derivation (26.19% PC rate)
- Third setup derivation (96.31% PC rate)
- Fourth setup derivation (75.44% PC rate)
- Fifth setup derivation (74.92% PC rate)
Tetris Derivations
- Sixth setup derivation (71.59% PC rate)