MMC News 50

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MMC Weekly #50
wow 50 I feel old now

To submit news of any kind, please send a message in the weekly Discord thread in MMC LogoMMC.png!
┈┈┈┈Community News:┈┈┈┈

  • WPL Hosts Successful Tetris LAN Event

Many big names showed up, and the combined prize pool was well over $4,000. Amazing work by BeastinShen and his crew hosting this event, and very inspiring!

  • Passthrough To Be Reworked??

Although this has not been implemented yet, osk has released a teaser screenshot hinting that one of TETR.IO's most controversial features may be changed soon!

┈┈┈┈World Records:┈┈┈┈

Changing this category to save myself some sanity and time

  • MgCaSi2O6 takes the TETR.IO 40L world record and moves up to #4 global!

  • cz0402 breaks the 5 minute barrier in 200APM survival, taking 1st! Custom modes don't save replays, but he posted the replay text in MMC if you want to see how he did it!

  • And of course, Reset_ subs 15 in 40L, updating the world record with an incredible breakthrough!

  • Lastly, congratulations to AddTagHere and Vichev for subbing 20!

As there are currently 50 sub 20 players, I will not be reporting this category anymore!

┈┈┈┈Tourney News:┈┈┈┈

  • FireStorm wins the WPL LAN TETR.IO championship, while Wumbo wins in PPT2 and TE:C!

  • Upcoming:
8/21: Zone Masters (TE:C LogoTE.png)
8/22: CTL Summer League #4 (TETR.IO LogoTetrio.png)
8/28 Tourney LATAM #2 (TETR.IO LogoTetrio.png)
9/10: Square One TE:C Qualifier #1 (TE:C LogoTE.png)

Before you go...

Please consider supporting MMC and everything we do to help out in the Tetris community; it really means a lot to us!