MMC News 40

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MMC Weekly #40
hand still hurt a little aa pls send hp points

To submit news of any kind, please send a message in the weekly Discord thread in MMC LogoMMC.png!

┈┈┈┈Community News:┈┈┈┈

  • 40L Sprint WR Beaten After A Full Year

The same day Vince finished a run 0.001 seconds slower than his record, Reset_ took the 40L sprint world record back to Canada! Although his run was slower than Vince's, he finished with 101 pieces, which gave him a slight edge. Amazingly, Reset paused several times throughout the run and his bursts were fairly slow; we're talking about someone who has bursted over 9pps here! I'm not saying that the world record is gonna be smashed soon, but perhaps?

the madlad bursting 9pps:

Reset Tweet Sprint WR 2021.png

┈┈┈┈Personal Bests:┈┈┈┈

  • Seunghoon1004/sksmscjswo achieves a 13 minute survival run, taking 10th place!

  • kevinhe828 subs 19 barely a month after subbing 20, improving at an amazingly rapid pace!

  • Firestorm moves up one place to become 2nd in 1000L Sprint!

  • Several Ultra leaderboards changes this week!
Jimothy is now in 6th:
QL4707 is in 8th:
and Kirigo in 9th:

┈┈┈┈Tourney News:┈┈┈┈

  • Firestorm goes undefeated in WPL TETR.IO Open #11, but not without going close to a bracket reset with a narrow 11-9 victory against Circu1ation, who managed to fight his way back from losers for a rematch!

  • Upcoming:
6/6: MMC #6 - B2B+2 Rerun (Jstris LogoJstris.png)
6/12: Infinite Finesse 2 (TETR.IO LogoTetrio.png)
6/19: TETR.IO Cup #4 (TETR.IO LogoTetrio.png)

  • Ongoing:
now: Salty Cup Season 4 (PPT2 Switch LogoPPT2SW.png)
4/26-6/20: WWC Season 5 (Worldwide Combos)

  • Player Interviews: Circu1ation

Out of nostalgia for the interviews on the Hard Drop forum, I'll be posting an interview with a top Modern Tetris player every two weeks! For this issue of MMC News, we'll get to know Circu1ation, a 18 year old top player from Hong Kong. He's one of my closest and oldest friends in this community, and I wouldn't have come this far without him. I hope you guys enjoy this and look forward to the interviews to come ^^

Q. How long have you been playing Tetris?


Q. How did you get into playing Tetris? Why did you start, and what was your first game?

tetris battle I was only playing a bit when queuing for league of legends but one day I go on youtube I see a thing called tspin and started really playing it

Q. How did you get your nickname? What does it mean?

from renai circulation and I like the meaning of word 'circulation' too so I used it

Q. Who are some players you look up to? Why?

ajanba is my first idol since he is funny and his play is very good he is a rare player that is very balanced (being good at everything)

Q. Which Tetris platform or gamemode is your favorite? Why? because its fast paced and the visual effect is good,but I really hate passthrough

Q. How do you practice? Do you have any advice for improvement?

study kazu/play cheese/play both slow and fast 1v1 always keep your brain active you play fast but you don't play too fast

Q. What kind of music do you listen to while playing?

songs by hanatan/jpop/anime song mostly from lisa

Q. What keyboard or controller do you use?

I have used many keyboards and I don't think it really matters,I am using a cheap membrane keyboard at the moment

Q. Do you play an instrument?

used to be playing erhu(an chinese instrument) but haven't played for years

Q. Do you play any sports?

used to be playing basketball a lot but not anymore,bnow go to gym sometimes to make sure my body isn't too bad

Q. What's your favorite color?


Q. If you had one chance to wish for anything, what would you wish for?

I wish to be married with a cute girl which have very similar personality with me

Thank you so much!! Is there anything you would like to say?

I was aiming for the best but I am taking a break at the moment, idk whether If I will get back the motivation, hope someone supports me and like me :)

Circu's Social Media:

Before you go...

Please consider supporting MMC and everything we do to help out in the Tetris community; it really means a lot to us!