MMC News 3

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MMC Weekly #3
This week was PB week for sure! Amazing achievements all around Jstris, making for some serious hype!

┈┈┈┈Community News:┈┈┈┈

Jez Graphs Jstris Friends

Here are two graphs, the first showing how all Jstris friends relate to each other, the second one only including users with over 20 friends. Eddie sure is well connected…?

┈┈┈┈Personal Bests:┈┈┈┈

  • Laltza TEBO_Moi also subs 20 this week, Circu1ation and Syperion close behind with possibly the closest sub 20 chokes ever.

  • Tetrian22 updates his pentomino world records yet again:



┈┈┈┈Tourney News:┈┈┈┈

  • Team NESTRIS wins Gang Wars!
  • Majime Diao wins WPL Open #9
  • Togaia wins Full Throttle Weekly #3

  • Upcoming:
Underdogs Cup 3: 9/27 LogoTetrio.png
WPL CTWC Qualifier: 9/27 LogoNES.png
Tag Cup: 10/4 LogoPPT.png

┈┈┈┈Topic of the Week:┈┈┈┈

Some players, like Vince_L, are known for constant macroplay, always screenwatching, considering their opponents' moves, and formulating strategies to win. Others like Firestorm are full on microplay oriented and only look at their own boards. How much do you think macroplay affects winrate? Does it help? Is it just a gimmick that sounds cool? What are some ways Tetris can become more spectator friendly?

Share your thoughts in #general !