Hard Drop Tetris Wiki:Diagram Symbol Templates

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Code Img Description
Rotleft Rotleft.png Rotate counter-clockwise
Rotright Rotright.png Rotate clockwise
Rot180 Rot180.png Rotate 180 degrees
Hold Hold.png Hold active piece
Tapleft Tapleft.png Tap left
Tapright Tapright.png Tap right
Holdleft Holdleft.png Hold left and keep held
Holdright Holdright.png Hold right and keep held
Leftwall Leftwall.png Hold left until piece reaches wall
Rightwall Rightwall.png Hold right until piece reaches wall
Softdrop Softdrop.png Soft drop
Firmdrop Firmdrop.png Firm drop
Harddrop Harddrop.png Hard drop
Softfirmdrop Softfirmdrop.png Soft or firm drop (for diagrams that allow for both)
Initrotleft @rotleft.png Initial rotate counterclockwise
Initrotright @rotright.png Initial rotate clockwise
Initrot180l @rot180.png Initial rotate 180 degrees or initial rotate 180 degrees to the left
Initrot180r @rot180r.png Initial rotate 180 degrees to the right
Inithold @hold.png Initial Hold active piece
Initholdleft @holdleft.png Initial hold left input and keep held
Initholdright @holdright.png Initial hold right input and keep held
Initleftwall @leftwall.png Initial hold left input until piece reaches wall
Initrightwall @rightwall.png Initial hold right input until piece reaches wall
Initfirmdrop @firmdrop.png Initial Firm drop
Initharddrop @harddrop.png Initial Hard drop
+ Synchro.png Synchronization of input
Or Or1.png Option of input (you can do this/these OR that/these)
() () Groups Synchro.png or Or1.png to make distinct from chronological inputs
Mirror Mirror.png Situation and action can be mirrored

Usage Guideline

1. A string of symbols will be treated as consecutive inputs unless noted by a Synchro.png symbol.

  • Rotleft.pngTapright.png = Rotate left. Then tap right.
  • Rotleft.pngTapright.pngSoftdrop.png = Rotate left. Then tap right. Then soft drop.

2. Only the symbol to the left and to the right of a Synchro.png symbol will be treated as simultaneous inputs. Use () to separate simultaneous inputs from chronological inputs.

  • Rotleft.pngSynchro.pngTapleft.png = Rotate counter-clockwise and tap left simultaneously.
  • Tapright.png(Rotleft.pngSynchro.pngTapleft.png) = Tap right. Then rotate counter-clockwise and tap left simultaneously.
  • Tapright.png(Rotleft.pngSynchro.pngTapleft.png)Tapleft.png = Tap right. Then rotate counter-clockwise and tap left simultaneously. Then tap left.
  • @hold.pngSynchro.png@rotleft.pngSynchro.png@holdleft.png = Initial hold, initial rotate counter-clockwise, and initial hold left simultaneously.
  • (@hold.pngSynchro.png@rotleft.pngSynchro.png@holdleft.png)Tapleft.png = Initial hold, initial rotate counter-clockwise, and initial hold left simultaneously. Then tap left.

3. Holdleft.png,Holdright.png,@holdleft.png, and @holdright.png stay held through a whole string regardless of Synchro.png.

  • Holdleft.pngRotright.pngRotright.png = Hold left and keep held. Then rotate clockwise. While still holding left, rotate clockwise again.
  • (Holdleft.pngSynchro.png@rotright.png)Tapright.png = Hold left and keep held while simultaneously initial rotating clockwise. While still holding left, tap right.

4. Or1.png can be used to link a single or multiple "OR" strings. Use () to separate Or1.png and Or2.png inputs from chronological inputs.

  • (Rotleft.pngOr1.pngRotright.png) = Rotate left or rotate right.
  • Tapleft.png(Rotleft.pngOr1.pngRotright.png) = Tap left. Then rotate left or rotate right.
  • Tapleft.png(Tapleft.pngRotleft.pngOr1.pngTapright.pngRotright.png) = Tap left. Then tap left and rotate left or tap right and rotate right.
  • Tapleft.png(Rotleft.pngOr1.pngRotright.pngOr1.pngTapright.png) = Tap left. Then rotate left or rotate right or tap right.