From Hard Drop Tetris Wiki
Finesse (also called movement finesse or two-step finesse) is an input optimization technique used to place down tetrominos while saving keypresses. Using the Super Rotation System in modern Tetris games, players can get their piece to any position on the field, excluding hard drop, in two keypresses, hence the common term "two-step finesse". Many players either actively practice finesse or subconsciously learn it while improving their speed. Advantages of finesse include saving time/going faster by pressing less keys by leaving the thought of placing pieces to muscle memory.
DAS Tapback
One of the components for finesse is DAS Tapback, which is used for pieces placed exactly one spot away from the wall. For example, to get the T piece to this position:
DAS to right wall. |
Tap left. |
Drop T. |
Not every piece placed one away from the wall needs DAS tapback! When you want to place a T piece rotated, you can instead:
DAS to right wall. |
Rotate |
Drop T. |
Which involves less keys since there is no tap-back.
60 Hz Horizontal
- 0G 60 Hz SRS Movement Finesse
- 0G 60 Hz ARS Movement Finesse
- 20G SRS Movement Finesse
- 20G ARS Movement Finesse