From Hard Drop Tetris Wiki
The Albatross Special setup is a build designed by Japanese players. By creating an Air T-spin double, one can quickly followup with a T-Spin Triple without wasting any T-minos in the stack (unlike DT Cannon or C-spin which both require one T to set up).
This opening requires a relatively early O. With five pieces in the preview, if you cannot see an O, then try a different opening. With a late O a T-Spin double is still possible, but the logical followup of a T-Spin triple and another T-Spin Double is lost. With an understanding of this, the weakness is avoided and becomes merely a telltale to do a different opening. What takes more foresight however is knowing which way to face the Albatross.
The other known issue with a bad draw of pieces is from an S Z T or a Z S T. If you get that then try another opening (such as Pelican, shown below).
Another weakness is that it is garbage-sensitive. if you get a garbage hole along the edge before placing your J or L for the T-Spin triple, then the T-Spin triple opportunity and subsequent T-Spin double is nullified. There is a 10% chance of a garbage hole to ruin the second and third spins in this setup.
Mirrored Setup
If you keep both directions of this opening in mind, then you can always do it if you get an early O. Note that regardless of which way you do the Albatross Special, a late O is your biggest threat because if the Z and S are in place then you can no longer fit the O in the space.
The easiest way to determine which way to face the setup is by looking at if L or J comes first. If L comes first, prop the S on the left side and perform the T-spin on the left. If J comes first, prop the Z on the right, and perform the T-spin on the right.
Placing the S/Z Mino
When setting up the T-spin triple after the initial air spin, watch out for the following situation. By spinning in the S mino, you can deal with a sequence of pieces that may have seemed impossible.
Dealing with an Early I Piece
When setting up the T-spin triple, a late I piece is preferable because it allows a much flatter stack, and thus better followups. If you do get an early I piece (before the O and S), place it against the wall and fill the rest of the row with a L, J, or T. It's better to hold the T and place and L or J, because then you can still attack with your second T piece. However, if you finish your second bag and there is an early T, you can place it in the stack, and opt for a different followup.
Following Up
One of the best followups you can do after the T-spin triple, is to perform another air T-spin double. By changing the placement of the L and O pieces, this method will work with any bag.
It also leads to a nice perfect clear opportunity:
The probability for the perfect clear above lies at 12.4%. If J piece is placed upside down above O piece, then the probability increases to 26.7%.
Alternative followups include setting up a side 4-wide combo, or infinite TST. Albatross into infinite TST is probably the best way to start a game of Ultra - it allows you to attack with your first two T pieces, instead of wasting them in the stack.
Following Up After an Early I
If you placed your L to complete the T-spin triple, you can perform a very similar followup technique:
With the J option, there isn't a great air T-spin double available, so it's usually best to opt for something simple, like stacking up for a 4-wide, or using a T-spin mini to clear the overhanging block and setup for a Tetris or another T-spin double.
With the T option, setup for another T-spin triple!
Pelican Opener
If you get an SZT start, you can do a different air T-spin double, which leads into similar followups. As with Albatross, decide which mirror to use by seeing if L or J comes first. If J comes first, prop the S and spin on the left. If L comes first, prop the Z and spin on the right.