Template:MMC Weekly News

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MMC Weekly #105 (Mar 5)
Break over back to school. 8AM physics awaits, ‘s time to rejoice.

To submit news of any kind, please send a message in the weekly Discord thread in MMC LogoMMC.png!

┈┈┈┈Community News:┈┈┈┈

  • Challonge Server Downtime Stalls SQ1

Right as the Square One LCQ started, Challonge experienced an error and could not be accessed. The site is commonly used by organisers and participants alike to run brackets and this sudden downtime took users by surprise. The SQ1 tournament organisers quickly picked up the slack, and with some quick thinking kept their ship sailing by manually keeping track of game results. Challonge is now up and running again, and hopefully these errors will remain few and far between.

┈┈┈┈Records and Accomplishments:┈┈┈┈

  • Flare decides to sign up for and play Nuketris, then almost immediately snatches the Ultra World Record scoring 23700 points using infinite TST!


  • ICLY wakes up, contemplates, and then grabs dual sprint world records!
First, he completes a 100L Sprint in less than 42 seconds, becoming the first to do so.


Then, featuring BM at 727, 420 and 69 lines remaining that arguably cost him the first ever sub 8 minute run, ICLY finishes with a time of 8:01.526 in 1000L Sprint.


  • Jayden PBs and improves her own record and thereby the TE:C Sprint World Record to a time of 25.99s, barely breaking possibly the last second barrier in TE:C.


  • Not satisfied, Jayden finishes 0.02 seconds faster during her next stream, bringing the time to 25.97s!


┈┈┈┈Tourney News:┈┈┈┈

  • Square One Last Chance Qualifier LogoTE.png:
🥇 Master101
🥈 Shard Nguyen
🥉 Dmillion
4th: Tatoes

As Blink had to decline his SQ1 invitation, these players have all qualified for the final!

  • TETR.IO Amateur Weekly (TAWS) News LogoTetrio.png:
TAWS 79 Winner - Plaidpaint
TAWS Asia 34 Winner - Roy101061
TAWS America 42 Winner - Yorkzie
TAWS U 43 Winner - HolyPustich
  • Hummingbird Nest News LogoTetrio.png:
Stratosphere 27 Winner - Promooooooo (Promo)
Radiant 28 Winner - Akarin
Fusion 7 Winner - Promooooooo (Promo)

  • Ongoing:
Mar 5 - April: Ultima Cup 3 (Tetris Effect: Connected LogoTE.png) Full Throttle Discord
  • Upcoming:
Mar 10: Radiant 29 (TETR.IO LogoTetrio.png)
Mar 11: TETR.IO Teams Cup Crews 2 (TETR.IO LogoTetrio.png) TTC Discord
Mar 12: TAWS 80 (TETR.IO LogoTetrio.png) TAWS Discord
Mar 12: TAWS America 43 (TETR.IO LogoTetrio.png)
Mar 12: Infinite Finesse Tournament: Lockout (TETR.IO LogoTetrio.png) IFT Discord
Mar 18: Fusion 8 (Nuketris) Hummingbird Nest Discord
Mar 19: Iris (TETR.IO LogoTetrio.png)
Mar 25: Xeno Tetris 7 (Puyo Puyo Tetris 2 Switch LogoPPT2SW.png) (Tetris Effect: Connected LogoTE.png) Salty Cup Discord
April 15: Xeno Tetris 8 (Puyo Puyo Tetris 2 Switch LogoPPT2SW.png) (Tetris Effect: Connected LogoTE.png) Salty Cup Discord

Before you go...

Please consider supporting MMC and everything we do to help out in the Tetris community; it really means a lot to us!