Talk:NullpoMino Forks and Mods

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If you want to experience the NullpoMino ride with your own custom mod, just extract the code from GitHub and change a few values. 10:12, 13 August 2017 (PDT)

But I use Windows, not Linux. So I can't use source code.

Here's something! Source code can be done with a text editor.
But I meant that I can't run the source code in Windows.
There are source code editors for Windows. 04:37, 14 August 2017 (PDT)
I repeated many times that you can't RUN the source code in Windows. You are probably a Linux user. Windows needs .exe file.

I don't think you've tried, as you use Windows. The .exe remains intact.

I have a Linux virtual machine.
But you don't have NullpoMino installed.
it's because i want to experience the customizations on windows 10 too
You can customize rules and sounds and use existing mods, like I did with size+art mod.
"dot exe." Isn't it funny when you download things and it turns out they're .exe files? 12:25, 18 August 2017 (PDT)
Also, I don't have NullpoMino installed!