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I don't need this. 09:49, 10 August 2017 (PDT)

You're in the vast majority. Why would your mom force you to play with pentominoes? Piotr Grochowski (talk) (contribs) 10:56, 10 August 2017 (PDT) My point is I don't need Tetris (at all). 11:06, 10 August 2017 (PDT)

I don't need anything in Tetris at all, my mom didn't force me to use anything in Tetris.

I don't need or want pentiminoes in any version of Tetris. They only use tetriminoes!
I want pentominoes. Art mod that I have has pentominoes, but you can't change their names or rotations, so effectively it doesn't.
Why do you want pentiminoes? It's TETRIS! They have TETRIMINOES! 12:03, 10 August 2017 (PDT)

Because I may want to play PENTIS!.

#NoSuchThing 12:12, 10 August 2017 (PDT)

The y-pentimino, when reversed, is the y2-pentimino! 05:23, 22 August 2017 (PDT)

No, the standard notation is ', so it's Y'.

There are a lot of heximinoes! There are two fours (4 and 42), two Fs (F and F2), and two Ns (N and N2). And to top all that off, there are three Ws (W, W2, and W3). 06:25, 22 August 2017 (PDT)
I don't like the i-notation besides tetriminoes. And where did you get the names? 60 hexominoes.