Back-to-Back T-Spin Triple

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Revision as of 19:01, 10 April 2006 by Jagorochi (talk | contribs)
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Back to Back T-Spin Triple is a difficult maneuver, which sends a total of thirteen garbage rows to the opponent. It requires the player to make two T-Spin triples back to back.

LT/JT, the simplest set up-- flawed due to its heavy dependence on T pieces.

LSI/JZI set ups.

LJS/LJZ set ups, versatile due to their interchangeable core.

A player may switch sides to clear Back to Back T-Spin Triples indefinitely.

Any T-Spin is good enough to keep the "Back to Back" alive, which allows for lopsided designs.


Note that the previous 2 designs have interchangeable second parts.

See also