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Messages - Koplex

Quote from: Lucho
lol man dont do that, I lost everyday and here I am  

I kinda feel left out, seeing all these pros socializing and being welcomed by everyone with a good impression
And why play a game that you're not getting better at, it makes no sense
Im pretty sure most new members in HD feel that way and its better if they dont have to suffer anymore.
Everybody wants to play something they are good at
^ approved

Confidence and dignity also lost
moving on to another game
Joeybeans not available on Saturday for round 1, she moved it to Sunday at 9 pm which is fine with me
We both have same time zone so it's easy
Posting to prevent double elimination
General / The awesome question game.
August 10, 2012, 05:53:49 PM
Q: I think no one has a clear advantage since so many players are so good
A: what song do you sing in the shower?
General / Good movies?
August 08, 2012, 02:08:45 PM
I thought Zohan was very humorous, but then again everyonoe has different viewpoints

Thanks caffeine I will definitely check those out
General / Good movies?
August 08, 2012, 07:32:36 AM
Topic says it all
I'm getting really bored these days and want to watch relatively new movies that do NOT suck
I like movies with fast action as well as sob stories and an interesting plot

Movies that im satisfied with:

karate kid(2010)
Drillbit Taylor
Die hard
Saving private Ryan
Enemy at gate
The day after tomorrow
pearl harbor
I am legend
The pacifier
Cars 1 and 2
Con air
Kill bill
The expendables
League of extraordinary gentlemen
don't mess with the Zohan
21 jump street

And many more that I forgot

So please suggest some gooood movies
General / [Interviews] - Get to know the players
August 08, 2012, 07:20:36 AM
Can you add me when you have the time please and thank you
Arena / Unreliable Tournament Players List
August 07, 2012, 09:16:09 AM
What if my opponent is not coming online at all then how do I contact him/her
General / The Tetris skill level chart
August 07, 2012, 09:11:15 AM
Mario- I put it blank cause I have no idea what characteristics to put there
Paul- yes I agree
estrelleta- it's a brief placement with no means of specific qualifications
tox- tetrisfriends arena and Tetris battle based
General / The Tetris skill level chart
August 06, 2012, 12:55:09 PM
Quote from: myndzi
In actuality, most people aren't so well-rounded. I'm pretty sure Blink doesn't know all-spins in as much depth as some players, and he's one of the most well-rounded players I know of. Then there's players like me; I don't sprint under 50 seconds but I have fairly thorough knowledge of spins and pretty decent visualization skills (forecasting). How would you rate players who don't have the exact balance of skills in your tiers?

this is nothing to serious or real, I actually just made this for some laughs, my characteristics are just general, not exact, and again this is not a rating, just an idea of skill level with the integration of humor
General / The Tetris skill level chart
August 06, 2012, 12:34:28 PM
Assume that level 0 is the average skill level and level 10 is the highest

Level 0: Capable
Characteristics: mediocre speed, poor downstacking knowledge, no t-spin knowledge, does not know how to fix misdrops, ok stacking skills, no twist knowledge, only knows how to do tetrises, twists a piece many times before hard dropping it
Description: this is an average player who plays Tetris casually and does not invest any time to learn new things because he/she things that Tetris is all about dropping blocks

Level 1: Amateur
Characteristics: mediocre speed, some downstacking knowledge, no t-spin knowledge, struggles to fix terrible misdrops, average stacking skills, no twist knowledge, a bit of combo knowledge, struggles with rotations
Description: this person is willing to get better one step at a time

Level 2: Apprentice
Characteristics: average speed, some downstacking knowledge, a bit t-spin knowledge but does not apply it efficiently and takes a lot of time to realize, fixes misdrops with simple sliding of pieces and a few twists, rotates pieces in only one direction
Description: this is a player that has gained interest in the game and is training and experimenting things that suit his/her playing style

Level 3: Trained
Characteristics: good speed, good downstacking knowledge, able to do simple t-spin doubles and t-spin minis and does it well, some twist knowledge is applied but faults can happen when rotating the wrong way, some finess is applied but not skillfully, uses the next piece queue to plan ahead a bit

Level 4: Experienced
Characteristics: good speed, does not block garbage hole when downstacking, good applications of t-spin doubles and minis, able to realize twist opportunities but a bit choppy, good finess , combo skills improved in prolonging combo length
Description: this player has played for enough that he/she is able to apply the skills learned to their advantage

Level 5 : Inspiring
Characteristics: under 50 seconds sprint time, great downstacking skills, very hard to knock out, mastering of simple t- spin doubles and minis, good twist application but does not know everything, great combo skills,knows when and where to downstack, some back to back application to maximize lines sent
Description: this player is starting to find passion in the game and is a hard one to beat

Level 6: Veteran
Characteristics: under 50 seconds sprint time, great downstacking skills, comboing downstacking which results in even more lines sent, able to set up simple t-spin triples and excecutes it very fast, various twists applied, great finess, able to do prophecy t-spins, b2b applied well
Description: this person has spent a lot of time discovering new ways to be more professional

Level 7: Specialist
Characteristics: under 40 seconds sprint time , very proficient downstacking which are executed fast, knows many super t-spin setups such as the c spin, dt cannon, and more, almost all twist knowledge is known, timing attacks to prevent knockout, mastering of every type of combo, very good finess
Description: this person has definitely proved to be worthy of being one of the best

Level 8: Prodigy
Characteristics: around 35 seconds sprint time,  never blocks the downstacking hole, all basic twists mastered, advanced t-spin setups done fast and timed well, combo downstacking while at the top, knows all openings and does it under 10 seconds, realization of setups extremely fast, b2b maximized to full extent, perfect clear knowledge very good

Level 9: Champion
Characteristics: below 30 seconds sprint time, exposes solid garbage extremely quick, advanced twists applied in all situations, advanced t-spin openings to send quick and deadly attacks ,  almost perfect finess, perfect clear realized and done extremely quick when examing the next piece queue, takes advantage of garbage by setting up t-spins into b2b, relentless attack
Description: this person has proved to be the best and sends lines like a machine gun no matter the situation

Level 10: God status
Characteristics: you guys suggest
Description: you guys sugguest

Hope you liked it
Introductions / Tetris addict here :)
August 06, 2012, 11:29:07 AM
Introductions / Tetris addict here :)
August 06, 2012, 11:00:43 AM
Hi and welcome, it feels good to have someone fresh and new with a positive attitude in here. I am also kind of new to Tetris because I ve only been playing for almost 6 months and I have to say that Tetris is more complicated than I thought it would be. This is a great source for information and consists of many helpful members who are extremely professional. As for Simple T-spins Im willing to help you on that, I m not an expert but I can definitely give tips and tutorials. Hope we can play sometimes  
Arena / Tetris Tournament Online II Match Predictions
August 06, 2012, 10:27:16 AM
It's right for the most part but I think many players are underestimated

Why is baseballboy at the bottom, he's absolutely insane with his t-spin setups and rival massi4h and ontop of that he pretty much uses all twists efficiently and insanely fast as well

Amazing players that are underrated IMHO:


This is too hard for me to comprehend