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Messages - Digital

Announcements / First NorCal Meet - Sept. 5th, 2009
August 15, 2009, 10:07:27 AM
Oh, that's really cool. Makes me want to buy a whole set. How long does it take to finish one?
Announcements / First NorCal Meet - Sept. 5th, 2009
August 13, 2009, 04:43:07 PM
Quote from: MonteAlso digi will be preparing a special seminar.
Wait, what! Who said I was giving a seminar?    

[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]Also this will be the first chance in history to see Digi's face![/quote]
Might be the only chance.  
Announcements / First NorCal Meet - Sept. 5th, 2009
August 13, 2009, 11:09:35 AM
I'm most likely attending. I'll bring my old phat DS and maybe my keyboard. I'm thinking about bringing my laptop but it's a pain to lug around 12+ pounds.
Strategy/Help / 40L Tetris Friends vs Blockbox
August 08, 2009, 08:48:36 AM
Quote from: JakeyBakey
I usually find that i make quite a few mistakes on block box sprint... on tetris friends my record is 1:19 and i can usually get 1:20- 1:25 on average but on block box i realy am sucking as i usually get 1:50 i believe its probably because i need to get used to block box... but i also believe it has something to do with having the UI in different places, by this i mean the blox that are coming next are on top of the tetris field instead of on the side and i find that this is leading me to some of my mistakes because i am having to look up and down constantly instead of sideways like on tetris friends.. is there any way of changing this so i can put the 'next blox' window on the side instead of on top of my tetris field?
Yeah, I know what you mean. I'm a lot more used to having the previews on the top as opposed to the side so it's a bit disorienting moving to games like TF. Unfortunately, there's no way to change that in Blockbox currently.
Strategy/Help / 40L Tetris Friends vs Blockbox
August 07, 2009, 11:19:43 AM
Yeah, you should try to decrease it slowly over time as your reflexes get faster. When you feel comfortable but are plateauing in speed, that might be a good time to make minor tweaks.
Strategy/Help / TGM3 General Strategy thread
August 07, 2009, 10:56:14 AM
Ah, J.O.'s TGM guide and PetitPrince's guide would be really helpful for starting out.

Some of your questions might require in-depth answers which might be too advanced or too broad. I think the general way to get better is to start at the speed that is troubling you. Best way to do this would be on clones like Texmaster where you can also save replays and watch your own errors.

Going for all tetrises is debatable, but so is going all out for speed. You'll need to strike some kind of balance sooner or later to progress. I favor speed slightly more than stacking and my training habits revolve around that more often.

To avoid getting pieces stuck in the center of the playfield, you should try to stack higher relative to the sides. You should also make use of initial rotation to get over obstacles that would have normally blocked your path when the piece enters the playfield. The guides above give more detailed info about this aspect. To initial rotate a hold piece, you just press down a rotate button like how you would normally initial rotate a piece, while simultaneously pressing the hold button during the delay before the piece enters the field.
Strategy/Help / 40L Tetris Friends vs Blockbox
August 07, 2009, 10:05:30 AM
The randomizer is different but the piece distribution will be very similar in the long run. If you don't focus on it, you probably won't even notice as the difference is really subtle.
Strategy/Help / 40L Tetris Friends vs Blockbox
August 07, 2009, 09:58:56 AM
Do the default sideways sensitivity settings feel too fast? If you're misdropping or correcting your movements often, it's a good sign to tone that down. Tetris Friends has pretty slow sideways movement and you're probably used to that.
Tetris / The end of the tetris puzzle
August 06, 2009, 06:10:30 PM
Quote from: SpawNNow, the thing with the hold piece is does it make one player better at tetris? No, it doesn't. Why, because a player having no hold option is not giving up on thinking where to put that piece instead of just hold it, but is required to place it somewhere on the stack that way developing skills that in a game with hold piece one can never develop.
Playing with hold doesn't make one better, but neither does playing without it. We have to be careful here and not be one-sided. In games that do have the feature, a player that has little or no experience with hold would not be able to abuse it to its full potential (for optimizations rather than emergencies). Likewise, players used to hold may have trouble in games without hold like you said. This is just the consequence of having different gameplay mechanics.
Quote from: Wojtek
I think white is better.
And it's more... printer friendly.  
I hadn't even considered the printer-friendliness of white. What does everyone think about that?
Tetris / Undo move for blockbox
August 04, 2009, 11:01:31 AM
Quote from: SpawN
You are alone. Just give up on this.
The discussion on the concept is good even if the idea isn't implemented.  
Tetris / Tetris Recommendations?
August 04, 2009, 09:14:29 AM
Quote from: tepples
Ti. Is there even a female m1 yet?
I've heard talk of one in the third tier of grades.
Tetris / Tetris Jargon Translation
August 02, 2009, 10:16:26 PM
Maske, I saw your post before we had to revert to a backup of the forum. Here's what it should look like. It's a bit confusing at first so don't worry about it.

{|                                    <- Use to start a new row of diagrams
|{{pfstart}}                          <- Use to start 1st diagram
{{pfrow | | | | |g|g|g|g|g|g}}
{{pfrow | | | | | |g|g|g|g|g}}
{{pfrow | | | | | |g|g|g|g|g}}
{{pfrow |g|g|g|g| |g|g|g|g|g}}
{{pfrow |g|g|g|g| |g|g|g|g|g}}
{{pfrow |g|g|g| | |g|g|g|g|g}}
{{pfend}}                             <- Use to end 1st diagram
|{{pfstart}}                          <- Use to start 2nd diagram
{{pfrow | | | | |g|g|g|g|g|g}}
{{pfrow | | |j| | |g|g|g|g|g}}
{{pfrow | | |j|j|j|g|g|g|g|g}}
{{pfrow |g|g|g|g| |g|g|g|g|g}}
{{pfrow |g|g|g|g| |g|g|g|g|g}}
{{pfrow |g|g|g| | |g|g|g|g|g}}
{{pfend}}                             <- Use to end 2nd diagram
{{pfrow | | | | |g|g|g|g|g|g}}
{{pfrow | | | | | |g|g|g|g|g}}
{{pfrow | | | | | |g|g|g|g|g}}
{{pfrow |g|g|g|g|j|g|g|g|g|g}}
{{pfrow |g|g|g|g|j|g|g|g|g|g}}
{{pfrow |g|g|g|j|j|g|g|g|g|g}}
|}                                    <- Use to end a row of diagrams
Tetris / Game Infoboxes on the Wiki
August 01, 2009, 10:44:45 PM
Perhaps we can make the infoboxes more modular by having sub-infoboxes. Some games may make use of certain info while others might not, so we can add or remove whichever parts aren't needed for each game.

Or I guess if the information gets too specific, they might belong in the article and not in the box.
Tetris / Game Infoboxes on the Wiki
August 01, 2009, 10:29:02 PM
Good idea. Maybe we can take it a step further and indicate up to how many players can play at once and also if there is co-op.

I was also thinking of things like DAS speed, combo/T-Spin/BtB/etc bonuses, and possibly line clear gravity.