40L Tetris Friends vs Blockbox

Started by xlro, August 07, 2009, 09:47:24 AM

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In contrast to what I read from most of the faster players here, I constantly get slower times on blockbox than on tetris friends (.com or facebook). I played a good number now on blockbox and was wondering, what the reason could be.

I'm not a fast player, by no means. My average on tetris friends atm is about 1:30, or a few seconds more. my best is 1:27.28 (from today). But I constantly hover around 1:30.

On blockbox my best is 1:43.95 (from today), most of the time I'm more around 1:50, sometimes even over 2:00, which actually never happens to me on tetris friends.
The funny thing is, that the gameplay on blockbox feels indeed a lot faster (which it is, with the missing delays etc), yet I perform so much worse. Any ideas why that could be?

Maybe it's the keyboard settings... that I have to correct more moves or something. Or is the randomizer so different? I have the impression that I do a bit more mistakes on blockbox, due to an more "uneven" field (with my playing style) - but I'm not really sure on that, so the difference can't be that big.
[div align=\\\"center\\\"]NullpoMino[/div]


Do the default sideways sensitivity settings feel too fast? If you're misdropping or correcting your movements often, it's a good sign to tone that down. Tetris Friends has pretty slow sideways movement and you're probably used to that.


with most players its usually the opposite, with blockbox being ~10 seconds faster. Its most probably the sideways movement speed, causing more misdrops. Unsure if the randomizer is alot different. With time it should come tho.
[div align=\\\"center\\\"]

Goob's Money Crew[/div][div align=\\\"center\\\"]


The randomizer is different but the piece distribution will be very similar in the long run. If you don't focus on it, you probably won't even notice as the difference is really subtle.


Thanks guys, I looked at the custom DAS setting, and put it from 12 to 6, which made me overshoot my positioning all the time. I realized that overshooting + correcting is probably also the problem on 12, although it is a lot more subtle. Then I tried 15 instead of the default 12 and instantly played a 1:35 and a 1:32 right after that.
Problem solved for now - but I guess I should decrease the DAS slowly over time.

What values do you guys use?
[div align=\\\"center\\\"]NullpoMino[/div]


Most people use 0 and 8  or 0 and 10
Become a FaceBook friend of Blockbox here: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Blockbox/110778333334?ref=nf


Yeah, you should try to decrease it slowly over time as your reflexes get faster. When you feel comfortable but are plateauing in speed, that might be a good time to make minor tweaks.


the fastest players tap left and right really fast instead of holding a movement key to go 2 or 3 columns. they only hold the key down to go to the wall, or to the wall then tap back 1 column in the opposite direction. that's how they can get away with instant sideways speed, and they use as short a delay before instant sideways as they can handle, so they can still accurately tap 1 column at a time. it takes practice but it pays off.


das 6
shift grav 1

i find 0 grav really hard to play


I use
Shift grav. 1
[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]i find 0 grav really hard to play[/quote]
It's all about the love


Quote from: deniax
Most people use 0 and 8  or 0 and 10

No, most people use 1 and 8 or 10. Not that many people play with instant. It's unsettling and it really exaggerates small mistakes.




I usually find that i make quite a few mistakes on block box sprint... on tetris friends my record is 1:19 and i can usually get 1:20- 1:25 on average but on block box i realy am sucking as i usually get 1:50 i believe its probably because i need to get used to block box... but i also believe it has something to do with having the UI in different places, by this i mean the blox that are coming next are on top of the tetris field instead of on the side and i find that this is leading me to some of my mistakes because i am having to look up and down constantly instead of sideways like on tetris friends.. is there any way of changing this so i can put the 'next blox' window on the side instead of on top of my tetris field?


Quote from: oliv
Lol. I would think he knows better than you?
I use 0 and 8.
Maybe he's checked the database, but I really doubt that many people use 0 given that it's 1 by default and a lot of people don't like it. I'm not saying nobody uses 0, but the majority of players prefer 60Hz DAS rather than instant.


Quote from: JakeyBakey
I usually find that i make quite a few mistakes on block box sprint... on tetris friends my record is 1:19 and i can usually get 1:20- 1:25 on average but on block box i realy am sucking as i usually get 1:50 i believe its probably because i need to get used to block box... but i also believe it has something to do with having the UI in different places, by this i mean the blox that are coming next are on top of the tetris field instead of on the side and i find that this is leading me to some of my mistakes because i am having to look up and down constantly instead of sideways like on tetris friends.. is there any way of changing this so i can put the 'next blox' window on the side instead of on top of my tetris field?
Yeah, I know what you mean. I'm a lot more used to having the previews on the top as opposed to the side so it's a bit disorienting moving to games like TF. Unfortunately, there's no way to change that in Blockbox currently.