Undo move for blockbox

Started by oliv, August 01, 2009, 12:01:56 PM

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If you want to train muscle memory for a specific twist or synchro, Lockjaw has saved states. Have you experimented with those?




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Quote from: SpawN
You are alone. Just give up on this.
The discussion on the concept is good even if the idea isn't implemented.  


Quote from: tepples
Lockjaw has saved states. Have you experimented with those?
i didn't know about that, unless you're talking about playing GBA Lockjaw on PC.


You know what I just realized, some sort of rewind or undo would be extremely useful for when trying to teach people on the fly about possible fixes for misdrops, or possible scenarios like going for a tspin triple or turning it into an imperial cross etc.  It would be great for showing people different ways of handling the same situation over and over again.  For this "teaching" reason, I'd like to see this included in the game as a custom option haha.  It would have to undo the line clear too though, and I'm not sure if this is an easy thing to add, it sounds very complex.


Quote from: Blink
You know what I just realized, some sort of rewind or undo would be extremely useful for when trying to teach people on the fly about possible fixes for misdrops, or possible scenarios like going for a tspin triple or turning it into an imperial cross etc.  It would be great for showing people different ways of handling the same situation over and over again.  For this "teaching" reason, I'd like to see this included in the game as a custom option haha.  It would have to undo the line clear too though, and I'm not sure if this is an easy thing to add, it sounds very complex.
I've been thinking that the best thing for training purposes would be a way to have someone save a replay and then let someone else fast forward and rewind through it to set re-record points. In this way you could make branches from the original play to demonstrate alternate methods of handling various situations.
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Quote from: jujubei didn't know about that, unless you're talking about playing GBA Lockjaw on PC.
What is the square in the upper left, and what do the left and right brackets do? (Hint: RTFM)


haha yeah i didn't think about that. it's been a long time since anyone had to press the bracket keys for recording.



Quote from: oliv
Quote from: oliv
Quote from: oliv
Quote from: oliv
Quote from: oliv

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Thank you for your post, Sisu.


i like apples

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I don't know why gif has a warning and Sisu doesn't, but let me just suggest that resurrecting threads that are three years old with a useless post is not the best idea.


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