Playstation 3 Tetris Will Be A Big Deal

Started by Blink, December 10, 2010, 05:31:09 AM

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@ Blink, have you tried the PS3 version yet? if so, what would u preffer, the 360 version or ps3?

Quote from: ohitsstef
oh yeah way to go ps3
too bad ps3 doesn't have halo!

Halo is the best 360 game ever, and you can play tetris on the 360 as well
40L = 28.71
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Most of the money spent on the game won't go to advertising. I'm pretty sure the majority of it has gone onto paying the license to TTC to make the game in the first place. The Tetris brand is pretty damn expensive.


Quote from: Rosti_LFC
Nah, I think what they actually mean is something along the lines of one player only being able to send lines, and the other player receiving them all, which I think could be pretty novel and interesting.

Unless it is just to make the blurb more exciting rather than a proper gameplay mechanic, in which case yeah, nothing really of note.

If they do this it seems a little unfair.
Hi combo stacker who goes on offense! Why don't you 4-wide a full 20 lines while your teammate takes all the attack garbage from the opponents?

But at least they are trying to make it more sport like (Even if it is just being advertised that way)


New release date = January 5th, 2011

Stats screen:
[!--ImageUrlBegin--][a href=\\\"\\\" target=\\\"_new\\\"][!--ImageUrlEBegin--][img width=\\\"400\\\" class=\\\"attach\\\" src=\\\"\\\" border=\\\'0\\\' alt=\\\"IPB Image\\\" /][!--ImageUrlEnd--][/a][!--ImageUrlEEnd--]

Looks like it will probably not be an all-twists game (YAY!) or else that statistic would probably be recorded.

Possibly combos are dropped as well, nothing about them here. I think the Japanese are going to dominate with their TDS skills.


Seems like a step backwards if they only have T-spins and no combos.


Quote from: iphys
Seems like a step backwards if they only have T-spins and no combos.
Tell that to all the TF players whining about how combos are imbalanced.
Also, they're using "bravo" instead of "perfect clear"...

Edit: it's out in Europe. Here's what player "cycle" had to say on the gamefaqs forum:
[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]i got it. it's 70mb.


-marathon (complete lvl 15 to win)
-variants (choose from 12 modes)
-- origin (clear 40 lines with default tetris rules)
-- treadmill (clear 40 lines in a matrix that shifts sideways)
-- gravity (clear 40 lines with the added gravity effect)
-- flood (locked)
-- ledges (locked)
-- laser (locked)
-- magnetic (locked)
-- scanner (locked)
-- split (clear 40 lines on both sides of a split matrix)
-- chill (locked)
-- flashlight (locked)
-- radical (locked)
-challenge (play against your or friends replays)


-marathon (complete lvl 15 to win, 1-4 playsers local)
-variants (choose from 12 modes, 1-4 playsers local)
-- origin (clear 40 lines with default tetris rules)
-- treadmill (clear 40 lines in a matrix that shifts sideways)
-- gravity (clear 40 lines with the added gravity effect)
-- flood (locked)
-- ledges (locked)
-- laser (locked)
-- magnetic (locked)
-- scanner (locked)
-- split (clear 40 lines on both sides of a split matrix)
-- chill (locked)
-- flashlight (locked)
-- radical (locked)
-timed battle (try to knock out your friends within 2 minutes, 2-4 players local, 2-6 players online)
-battle (knock out your friends to be the last man standing, try powerups for a new twist, 2-4 players local or online)
-shared (clear lines with your friend using a shared matrix (2 coop players local or online)
-team battle (pick your team partner and play against another 2 person team, 2 teams of 2 players local or online)
-random online match (jump right into a randomly selected online match, random number of players online)

controls for marathon:
hold l1,l2,r1,r2
harddrop up
left left
right right
down softdrop
rotate counterclockwise x
rotate clockwise o
swap triangle

i only played a marathon yet. (instant #2 worldwide lol) game feels very fast and responsive. i am happy with it.


master (gold) finish all variants on lvl 15 and radical
advanced (silver) complete all advanced feats
achiever (silver) complete all career feats
insane (silver) in origin clean lines 20, 10 and 1 in that order
clear as water (silver) perform a bravo (clear your matrix)
teamwork (bronze) clear at least 2 lines with a piece swapped to your in shared (additive)
lockpick (bronze) unlock all variants
giver (bronze) pass 100 lines to opponents on any multiplayer mode
next! (bronze) surpass a friend on next best score
synched (bronze) get a tetris within 3 seconds of a friend getting a tetris in team battle
tetrinet (bronze) finish all 3 multiplayer modes online
trigger happy (bronze) send 12 or more lines to one opponent in under 5 secs in battle, timed battle or team battle[/quote]

LOL check out the second to last achievement listed above! Can this be real!?


I'd be pretty happy if they removed combos. I think there's some skill in downstacking while maintaining a combo, but I really don't think there's a huge amount of skill in just leaving a gap three or four columns wide and then throwing pieces down there for a combo. Or at least, I don't think there's enough skill to merit anywhere the amount of lines it sends.

It's even worse on TF because you can't receive garbage so long as you have a combo chain going, so it's not even a particularly risky strategy compared to some of the more complex t-spin setups. Combos aren't as technically impressive or satisfying to watch as t-spins are either.

Removing a feature that has been implemented isn't a step backwards if said feature is rubbish.


More info thanks to cycle:

[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]Can players customize their buttons?


Can you watch replays off the online leaderboad?

no...i don't think so. but u can play against the best replay of each mode of your friends.

Is it all free for all, or do many people play 1v1 at all?

i already listed the online modes. in timed battle u can specify 1-5 opponents. in battle u can play with up to 4. of course u can just start the game with one opponent and then have a 1vs1. most of my games are 1vs due to lack of online players.

Does it rate online player's skill (like Elo or anything)? elo. no win/loss. u have leaderboards. for battle it's like this:
leaderboard rank|online id|skill level|rank points

as for looks like this currently:


at specific rank points u level up your skill level. i haven't lost a single game yet but i guess it subtracts from your rank points and this is reflected in you skill level.

some examples for skill level/rank points from the leaderboards (there is nothing exact about this):


idk what to think about this yet...but it's not as simple and effective as tetris elo for sure.
i hope a lot more ppl start to play and ppl stay at their skill level. as for's only going up right now.


I wouldn't have a problem with combos if they weren't so overpowered.  I wish the garbage they sent was based on the total number of lines cleared in combo rather than rewarding you like it's better to clear a whole bunch of singles than larger line clears, and it's nonsense on TF that the garbage from a combo gets scrambled while the garbage from a T-spin or Tetris doesn't.


It sounds like it turned out pretty garbage... Taratang has been especially critical of it. Here are some crossposts:
  • There is a way to select the number of opponents you want, so I could do some 1v1, but it's only for (2 minute) timed battle it seems. Again, very impressed with the speed of the matchmaker. Press next after winning a game and the next game with a new opponent starts in seconds.
  • Somehow the general online population got even worse overnight. I guess it's mostly school kids that never grew up playing tetris - literally half my opponents did not know how to hard drop so I ended up making it t-spin triples practice (not as hard as it sounds when you receiving literally zero garbage)
  • Each multiplayer type seems to have it's own player rating leaderboard, but they're tucked away under the "Highlights" menu. Ratings seem to climb very slowly in 1v1 - I was around 30-0 and still hadn't climbed that high up the timed battle ladder. I suspect the quickest way to increase your rating would be multiple opponents at once. Oh well, I don't expect random pubbies to know how to gang up on me anyway.
  • You seem to have 3 "lives" in 2 min timed battle so while I was murdering everyone repeatedly, against someone competent or multiple opponents it will go to a tie break every time - most knockdowns (lol), then lines sent
  • all the gimmicky variants are fun to play through at least once, though some are dumber than others and few are worth playing a lot unless you fancy going for high scores (Split is pretty cool at top speed though)
  • "Radical" variant is the only mode in the game with 20G, and the lock delay is pretty long (not to mention move reset of course)
QuoteOk, one trophy to go, then I think I'm pretty much done with this. I've played a fair bit now and I'm pretty disappointed at the wasted potential.

After the speculation about what type of skill rating system the game would use, the developers decided on the comedy option - none whatsoever. The ladder is essentially meaningless and the chance of even being matched against someone competent is remote. What a fucking waste.

Also the win condition for timed battle is retarded. The first decider is most knockdowns scored - which is dumb in a six player game because you can't effectively focus so it's random who gets the last hit in. I've played a few games today where I've sent 70+ lines of garbage and the other 5 players sent 8-10 each and I come third/fourth because I didn't get the "knockdowns", lol what.
<a href=><img src="" border='0' alt="My Backloggery" /></a>


I can understand his/her gripes about some of the useless gameplay modes which are meant for casual players anyway, and boo to no customizable controls, but isn't it a bit too early be so upset over a lack of competition.  The game just barely got released in Europe alone 1 day ago?  He needs to wait awhile and give people a chance to buy the game.  Beginner players isn't a bad thing either, it's what we want in order to help Tetris grow.  Some of them can be future great players.  Sure the rankings might *seem* useless right now because everybody is starting out at the same level and facing eachother as if they were equal, but after a longer period of time better players will start distancing themselves from the rest of the crowd.

It looks like the game is popular though since finding matches can be done within seconds, that's a good sign.  I remember on TPD it was impossible to find matches right after it came out (and still is).  Players will improve or good players will come later on if they see the game worthwhile.  I don't know how many great multiplayers there are in Europe, but they'll be narrowed down further to the ones who actually own a PS3.  It seems like the 1v1 is going to be very similar to TDS just by the ruleset, and TDS had very deep multiplayer so I'm still looking forward to trying this game out.


Quote from: Kitaru
It sounds like it turned out pretty garbage... Taratang has been especially critical of it. Here are some crossposts:


[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]There is a way to select the number of opponents you want, so I could do some 1v1, but it's only for (2 minute) timed battle it seems. Again, very impressed with the speed of the matchmaker. Press next after winning a game and the next game with a new opponent starts in seconds.[/quote]
[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]It looks like the game is popular though since finding matches can be done within seconds, that's a good sign.[/quote]
impressive matchmaker, haha, rotfl. it's fucking tf style fake multiplayer...

can you even play real multiplayer other than items or teams?
Recommended games:
Tetris Online Poland


Quote from: Wojtek
impressive matchmaker, haha, rotfl. it's fu**ing tf style fake multiplayer...

can you even play real multiplayer other than items or teams?
so much for that, if that's correct
can anybody who got the game yesterday confirm?
[div align=\\\"center\\\"]NullpoMino[/div]


Quote from: xlro
so much for that, if that's correct
can anybody who got the game yesterday confirm?

no the "time battles" are replay based but the "battles" are true multiplayer and you can enable or disable "power-ups". There is also a blockbox like shared screen team mode except you have 2 columns in the middle shared by the two players.
The other team mode is tetrinet like except you can choose a role of "defender " and "attacker". When youre the attacker the lines you clear add garbage to the opponent team, but if your in the defender role the lines you clear clear the garbage of you and your teammates. You can switch roles inbetween the game by pressing a button.
It should be interesting but since the level of the players is very low i can just stay in the attacker role the whole game  and pwn their asses.