Playstation 3 Tetris Will Be A Big Deal

Started by Blink, December 10, 2010, 05:31:09 AM

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Quote from: caffeine
If you don't mind my asking, what strategy are you referring to?

The timing aspect.  We already know that by looking at the opponents field you can sort of figure out what situation they're in.  If we take it further and look at their previews, we know if they will be T-spinning/Tetrising soon, or skimming beforehand because their T/I piece isn't coming for another 5 pieces.  You can also guess where they will place their pieces, or if they have the correct pieces to keep their combo chain going.  It lets you know if that I piece they placed into a weird position was a misdrop, or if it was planned because they had 2 I pieces back to back.  There's so much you can figure out just by looking at a players next pieces.  That's one thing that was taken away from the strategical part of TPD.


Quote from: Blink

1) completely different developer, one with successful tournament games (Madden NFL, Bad Company 2, Medal of Honor, etc)

these are successful tournament games?  


Quote from: Wojtek
Keep dreaming. Hudson is also great developer with successful games, but that not translate to their tetris games in any way. I don't see anything HD about those graphics and sounds, i must be blind/deaf. Actually every thing about this game looks pretty much default, so i don't see how this will be different than Xbox360/Wii tetris games. It's just same shit we are getting for years, only different platform. Just like you i watched this trailer few times, and i make my conclusions pretty much same way you do, but somehow after evaluation we get very different results.

If this is the same stuff we've been getting for years, you're implying TPD is no different than TDS or Tetris Splash.  Yet you've already said in the past that TDS is so much better than TPD.  So you know damn well that a game can come out completely different if done by a different developer.  But ok you win Wojtek, this is just TPD with a different skin.

Quote from: Noogy
these are successful tournament games?  

Madden for sure, MOH just came out and BC2 has competitions on MLG's gamebattles website.  Another successful EA game in WCG:  Fifa World Cup.  Not that it really says much about how their Tetris game will turn out, but it's nice to have a developer with some experience and knowledge in competitive gaming.


i think the audience is there on ps3. ps3 is not a fps centric console. it has a far more balanced first party line up and strong japanese developer support so it's far more traditional than the 360. the ps3 userbase is older than the 360s and older people probably have a stronger connection to tetris. and lastly the ps3 has a d-pad that wont totally rape your thumb.

the only problem i see is that ps3 users dont have as strong a presence in the downloadable games market as 360 users but if EA puts an effort in advertising this game they could have a good seller.

EDIT: and as far as it being a competitive game i don't really see it. of the big tournament running organizations i would think tetris is something more likely to be picked up by WCG but WCG uses 360s so that takes them out and I don't see MLG taking a chance on tetris. If I was working for MLG and i was looking at tetris I wouldn't take it seriously because "hardcore" tetris players like to stay at home and have made no effort in building local communities. they like to stay at home and tweak their clones so they play exactly how they want and snub official games. and I wouldn't trust the TTC to take things into their own hands. it's a lot of work and something videogame companies don't normally do and if they do then it's usually a once a year thing that's poorly run and organized. history says that videogame companies trying to run their own tournies is a bad and inconsistent thing.

if you're looking at this game as a chance for serious competitive play then you have to come from the perspective that ps3 tetris is an opportunity for you to build a local community and not this is something that will allow big corporate entities to swoop in and make all our dreams come true.
Monte: you scared of the rookie of the year
Digital: sigh, I'm soooo scared
Digital: *digital pees in his pants*


Been wondering about this game, but don't know if it will be worth buying a PS3 for it.  I'm sure the game will be successful, because pretty much anyone will play Tetris.

Being able to see opponent previews is probably better for spectators, because not too many people are going to be paying much attention to that while they're playing their own field.  

Advertising battle with items kind of makes me think less seriously of it.  I hope battle isn't set to default with items like it is in TPD, because it's hard to find opponents for non-item battles on TPD.


So many haters, cant you get something positive out of it? It sounds fun.

This could easily be on Gamebattles(maybe not premiere mlg), they have a lot of games on there, and it really doesnt hurt the site as people would probably play it. I know the game is going to be downloaded, so it will probably get a nice following. I bet we will see some newcomers that are good players. Hopefully EA puts support into the game after release.

Im very anxious to try this game out, i am a fan of console tetris splash (not the 360 dpad) and hope this trumps it.

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Here's what I've found:

Number of frames | type of event

10 DAS

2 (1/2G) Autorepeat
2 (1/2G) Soft drop

22 Single clear
24 Double clear
26 Triple clear
28 Tetris clear

I plugged these in and tried them out... I'm not very impressed =/. 2-step finesse is suboptimal, so get ready to tap tap tap!

I mean... is it really so hard to have an option for faster autorepeat and DAS!?


Hm, isn't 10fr 30hz DAS Splash-esque? That ARE and long line clear delays are also going to allow some DAS pre-charging, so there is that... but that is still sort of awkward. However, I don't know why you'd say two-step finesse is suboptimal with those speeds.

Still, very disappointing, especially in light of the turns for the better on Tetris Friends. :/
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Quote from: Kitaru
Hm, isn't 10fr 30hz DAS Splash-esque? That ARE and long line clear delays are also going to allow some DAS pre-charging, so there is that... but that is still sort of awkward. However, I don't know why you'd say two-step finesse is suboptimal with those speeds.

Still, very disappointing, especially in light of the turns for the better on Tetris Friends. :/

I'd be very surprised if we see DAS precharging.

Here's how you test to see if 2-step finesse is optimal in a game:
  • Wait until you get a T. Don't rotate or move it.
  • DAS to the left wall. Don't drop it.
  • Return to spawning position and try again a few times.
  • Now, return to spawning position and tap to the wall (tap tap tap) as fast as you can.
  • Rinse and repeat until you get a good feel for which method is faster (DASing or tapping).
If tapping three times to the left wall is faster than just holding down left to get there (DASing), then 2-step finesse is suboptimal, and you'd be faster off using... 3-step.

PSN fails the 2-step test mostly because of the long DAS. I'd have to test to make sure, but 5 or 6 DAS with 1/2G autorepeat would probably put it in range of 2-step speeds.

Rare is the game where 2-step is optimal, unfortunately. I believe my tapping speed was actually fast enough in TDS that it was faster for me to bypass DAS altogether and use 5-step finesse. =]


The frame numbers look very similar to TPD.


Quote from: caffeine
I'd be very surprised if we see DAS precharging.

Well, it was supposedly part of the guideline last time I asked. It works in Tetris Friends line clear delay, but it appears Tetris Party Deluxe only has DAS preservation...

Damn it all! Why can't they quit flip-flopping and stick with the logical rules!
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Maybe they have changeable options within the game, and those are only standard "basic" options which you see in the trailer
               Tetris Belts!


Maybe... but there isn't really any precedent for it. The only official games wish tuning options of that sort have been for PC, and only fairly recently. If they do ultimately decide to make sensitivity options and such standard, it'll probably be after copious backtracking on the issue. :<

I sincerely doubt PS3 Tetris is going to be "the" release.
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Quote from: Kitaru
Still, very disappointing, especially in light of the turns for the better on Tetris Friends. :/
Probably stuff that was set fairly early in development, before TF improvements came along. If it's being made by a separate team to TF then I wouldn't be too surprised that it doesn't implement some of the better features.


real question is: How much is the game going to be? cause if it's 50 bucks, .. . I'll play it if someone gives it to me as a present..... haha but I probably will not buy it.

and why did Blink think there would only be ONE preview? lol even for Tetris mobile they give you.. at least 3 previews right?

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