Playstation 3 Tetris Will Be A Big Deal

Started by Blink, December 10, 2010, 05:31:09 AM

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Hi Guys. A n00b really here but looking to add some PSN Tetris friends and improve my play over time.

Add me - PSN Id : BrianOnPS3


ok apparently my family has a ps3 and it has tetris on it, woo. if anyone wants to play i made a playstation network thingmajig

ign: BeastinShen

i was raping the other guys so i want a good match
<div style="overflow: hidden; background-image: url(;background-repeat: no-repeat; width: 285px; height: 80px;position:relative;"><span style="width:60px;height:80px;float:left;overflow: hidden;margin-top:10px;margin-left:10px;"><a href="http://hard


This is the version I've spent the most time with. Hit me up if you wanna play.

My PSN is: ShadowJetX

I mostly play Team Battle btw.


Update :
still no software update despite a lot of bugs and awkwardness in game choosing/ idle people treatement....
still 99% of noobs playing in the same room as pros.


I've since sold my PS3, but I figured I'd leave this scoring information here in case anyone wanted to know how PS3's scoring system worked.

From testing, I could find no bonus for cascade clears in gravity modes (despite the game telling you to go for them--even the master replay section shows Mr. Tanabe exploiting a cascade formation, despite the game giving up no additional points for it).

How to beat my Marathon score:
I did B2B TSTs with one goal line left for every level. Then, I made Bravos in between TSTs. For everything else, I made  as many singles as possible. To beat my score, just make more Bravos than me.

How to beat my Orgin score:
ST stacking, utilizing two Tetrises to make it through. Finished up with, I think, a TSS, then a TST with 1 line left. I thought up a couple of ways to beat this, but your best bet is messi4h's continuous TST method. I started to learn this method, but like anything, it's way harder on level 15, and I was kind of lazy, too. The other method is to replace the last TSD with two more TSS's at the end before the final TST.

How to beat my Scanner score:
I'm actually kind of proud of this score, so I'm not telling! =b

How to beat everything else:
Nothing very innovative for the rest of the modes. I ST stacked and improvised T-Spins when possible.


Quote from: caffeine
I've since sold my PS3, but I figured I'd leave this scoring information here in case anyone wanted to know how PS3's scoring system worked.

From testing, I could find no bonus for cascade clears in gravity modes (despite the game telling you to go for them--even the master replay section shows Mr. Tanabe exploiting a cascade formation, despite the game giving up no additional points for it).

How to beat my Marathon score:
I did B2B TSTs with one goal line left for every level. Then, I made Bravos in between TSTs. For everything else, I made  as many singles as possible. To beat my score, just make more Bravos than me.

How to beat my Orgin score:
ST stacking, utilizing two Tetrises to make it through. Finished up with, I think, a TSS, then a TST with 1 line left. I thought up a couple of ways to beat this, but your best bet is messi4h's continuous TST method. I started to learn this method, but like anything, it's way harder on level 15, and I was kind of lazy, too. The other method is to replace the last TSD with two more TSS's at the end before the final TST.

How to beat my Scanner score:
I'm actually kind of proud of this score, so I'm not telling! =b

How to beat everything else:
Nothing very innovative for the rest of the modes. I ST stacked and improvised T-Spins when possible.

Very impressive, dominating the Leaderboards.
I actually bought this game last night, and noticed that haha, the only other names i Recognized at the top were Jerycho and Bluesphere. And I Beat ya both on Origin!