TTO Playoffs (PLAY ASAP!) + Prize photos

Started by Blink, September 24, 2010, 04:44:15 PM

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Quote from: ManOfMiracles
Hearts is my official Bg.  
So it's all good.
wasnt yours the pink clover one?


Quote from: Maii04
wasnt yours the pink clover one?
Yeah... A long time ago.
It's now hearts. So it's easy on the eyes and looks good.



i literally just joined tetrisfriends to signup for the tournament

and now i just joined harddrop to explore possible reasons as to why i got paired with someone so high level in comparison

I was lead to believe that there would be some sort of tier system based on sprint times (which I had put on my tetrisfriends thing before I signed up), but I suppose not, considering, well:

My time is a very weak 1:29.
My opponent's time is 0:49.

I haven't played much of the multiplayer on tetrisfriends (I have done wifi on Tetris Party, though, along with a tiny bit of BB in preparation for this tournament) so my rank is low, yet my opponent's multiplayer ranks are all max (20)? Is this competition set such that high level players are automatically placed in situations where they can win quickly to speed along the tournament? Or am I the lowest level player (     ) facing the second lowest, or something?

It's all really confusing... and I don't want to just lose 15 matches in a row without any chance of actually beating my opponent! I entered for the shirt... Alexey Pajitnov is my idol.

Hopefully all of that setup study wasn't for naught, but seeing as my opponent has the MAX multiplayer rank, I'd assume that he/she knows all of them already, so...


This tournament, like many others, is skill based.  The seedings were done in order of Sprint record, with 1 vs 256, 2 vs 255, 3 vs 254 and so on.  In order to win the Alexey T-shirt you'd have to be one of the top Tetris players in the world, but there are random giveaways for all participants so even all players have a chance at winning something.

You are actually the 209th rank in this tournament and your opponent is somewhere around 50th rank.


Right. Seeding is traditionally implemented to prevent the top players from knocking each other out of the tournament very early on in the tournament. Otherwise, some of the best players would have no chance of reaching the finals. This unfortunately means that the skill gap in early matches can be rather disparate.

I know you may be disappointed by the odds, but I hope you can still give it your all. Even if you don't advance to later rounds, we'd love it if you stuck around to play some friendlies on the side and watch some of the best players in action.
<a href=><img src="" border='0' alt="My Backloggery" /></a>


It's the nature of a knock-out tournament that 128 people are going to get eliminated in the first round...

This sort of thing is why I suggested just seeding the top 32 though. The vast majority of first round matches are going to be thoroughly boring and one-sided.


Most players are entering the competition knowing that they have no chance of placing in the finals. There are many fast players (i.e. sub40 seconds) who know they won't make the top 16, especially based on the brackets. We are here to experience the excitement and intensity of competition, even though we know that we won't win anything. Only maybe 10 players on this site know they have a chance at "winning the Pajitnov shirt." Sorry. :/

Personally, I don't think seeding just the top 32 is a good solution, because there are many players that play far better than their speed/Sprint time suggest (Sonic comes to mind).

Also, don't be discouraged! Tetris friends ranking system is very weak; a rank 20 could have achieved that rank by beating rank 20s, or they could have played rank 11's over and over and over. It's not accurately indicative of skill. If you know setups, you have a huge advantage over someone who can only stack with speed; you will get much more lines sent on average for each block than your opponent. I guarantee that upsets will happen (again, Sonic...?  )

EDIT: If it makes you feel any better, I've never heard of kkkbundy before, and I frequent TF, if only to sit around, quite often.
[div align=\\\"center\\\"][/div]
[div align=\\\"center\\\"]Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.
~Martin Luther King Jr.


Posts like this are why I think in future, only the top 16 players should be seeded. (So they don't play each other early on, NOT so they get easy matches).

However I have to say ash_forte_ that if you can't beat your first round opponent how are you going to win the tshirt? You would have to play someone good very early on regardless... as the tournament has 255 people. and over 130 of these have sub 60 second sprint times.


Quote from: larrytetrisEDIT: If it makes you feel any better, I've never heard of kkkbundy before, and I frequent TF, if only to sit around, quite often.
ahh, kkkbundy is a mix between the Ku Klux Klan and a notorious serial killer...quite the opponent you have.
☠ ZeroT


Quote from: ZeroT
ahh, kkkbundy is a mix between the Ku Klux Klan and a notorious serial killer...quite the opponent you have.
I've seen him around.  he exists.

anyway, I'm having trouble navigating around here, so is there a possibility of subbing for players who dont show up?  if so I'd def be interested.


I also disagree with only seeding the top players. If the goal is an elimination tournament where the best player wins, this is the way to do it. Some people may not understand at first how the seeding is done or why, but in the future it will inform their decision about whether they wish to participate or not.

If the goal is to have lots of close matches that are interesting to play and/or watch, then something like Swiss is much better, because by its nature it sieves the players into tiers based on their skill and puts them against closely ranked opponents. Swiss doesn't give the kind of authoritative winner that elim does, however.

Please note that "having good matches" and "finding the indisputably best player" are goals that are somewhat at odds with each other, and therefore suggesting solutions to one in a tournament with the other as its goal is rather useless.

Edit: also, not to say I told you so, but...
Quote from: ash_forte_
confused about seeding

To-do list for next time: explicitly explain seeding


I like the way the seeding works, it will serve as a wake up call. The ones eliminated will either quit playing competitively or step it up and become something a lot better.
[!--ImageUrlBegin--][a href=\\\"\\\" target=\\\"_new\\\"][!--ImageUrlEBegin--][img width=\\\"400\\\" class=\\\"attach\\\" src=\\\"\\\" border=\\\'0\\\' alt=\\\"IPB Image\\\" /][!--ImageUrlEnd--][/a][!--ImageUrlEEnd--]


Quote from: myndzi
Please note that "having good matches" and "finding the indisputably best player" are goals that are somewhat at odds with each other, and therefore suggesting solutions to one in a tournament with the other as its goal is rather useless.
I disagree. Finding the top 16 or whatever doesn't really work without a heavily seeded system, but in theory the top player should win the final regardless of whatever path they have to take to get there. It doesn't matter if you're playing tough opponents in the first rounds or the last few rounds, if you're going to win the tournament you're still going to have to face them and beat them eventually.


Is this the thread where we report matches? My first opponent never showed up.


Seeding shouldn't really matter since tetris is a lot more deterministic than, say, starcraft.

I'm also posting to clarify that the proof pic i sent in is me looking at deek314 in the friend finder, showing he hadn't logged in since yesterday.

You can ask RyanJCarlson and ss_edward if there's a dispute, they came in when i was waiting.