TTO Playoffs (PLAY ASAP!) + Prize photos

Started by Blink, September 24, 2010, 04:44:15 PM

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Quote from: Rosti_LFC
Will it be possible to maybe play matches outside of the designated times if you can agree on it? Setting the slots to be in the early evening in PST is really unhelpful to anyone who isn't in the USA. (~2am in Europe, and early to mid-morning in Asia)

I asked this before as well, it should be ok as long as it's before you're scheduled time as not to delay the tourney...


Yeah, I'd be playing earlier. 2-3pm PST is a bit kinder because it means it's at least before midnight. Not that I won't still be awake at 1am, but it's not really the best time in terms of ability to play Tetris  

I figured someone had already asked but there's no FAQ and I couldn't be bothered going through all 33 pages to find out =P


Quote from: Shizaru
It is no longer seeded this way. From my understanding the skill gap will be spread evenly across the board instead of fastest vs slowest with the only close matches being mid level speeds.

The seeding will look something similar to this
i really don't see the problem with standard seeding based on sprint time low-to-high. if a slow player wants to win the whole thing it will be very difficult no matter what. i'd hate to be the #9 seed in that example, having to go through #s 1,5,3,2 to win!! the #8 has a substantially easier path. that's taking the idea to the extreme. if it were 1v13, 2v14, 3v15, 4v16, and 5v12, 6v11, 7v10, 8v9 it would provide more even matches and the slowest player wouldn't have to play the very fastest. but it still doesn't make sense to give #4 an easier time than #1, although it wouldn't be so bad if the bracket were designed with the normal format for the top 8.

but then you'd have the #13 player asking "why am i playing the #1 when the #16 gets to play the #4!" there are going to be issues like this without straight seeding/matchups, and it will make the player feel as if he/she was being targeted.

Raven's idea is a nice compromise. at least if you were matched against the #1 you could only blame it on bad luck.
Quote from: Ravendarksky
I'd just seed the Top 16 players so that they don't meet each other in the first few rounds and make everyone else random.


I think the top 32, maybe 64 or top 50% should be seeded and then leave the rest, because it'd work well enough. Matching top with bottom and then moving inwards just makes the first round horrifically one-sided for like 75% of the games.

You want to try and make sure that the top players aren't facing each other until the third or fourth round at least, but at the same time you still need to keep the majority of the first-round matches interesting for the lesser players. Obviously somebody has to play the top players in the first round, but no point ranking the quite-good against the quite-bad and making all the games one-sided. Seeding fewer players also makes it a bit less work for the organisers because they don't need to look up and sort 200+ sprint times =P

Blink/etc, is the full tournament tree going to be published before the first round, or are we only going to see the match-ups as we get them?

Also, I've seen a few people playing in the bronze lobbies who are self-confessed platinum players levelling-up their alt account. I don't know if it's related to this, but I've noted the nicks down just in case.


It's going to be the standard single-elimination tree that everyone is familiar with.  

Signups close november 30th, I'll try to get the full tournament tree out by December 1st.

As with all online tournaments, it's pretty much impossible to eliminate double accounting completely, but the tournament signups have several things tracked.  If someone is found to be multiple accounting they will be banned from the tournament and all future ones.  


If you sign up multiple times using the same account does that register as trying to sign up multiple times.  Because if so I don't want to be banned I just want to be in the tourney


Quote from: Ryan
If you sign up multiple times using the same account does that register as trying to sign up multiple times.  Because if so I don't want to be banned I just want to be in the tourney

are you dense?


Update from TF:

The game changes will be released (hopefully) on Nov 30th.

Here is the tentative schedule for the entire tournament:

Dec. 3rd - 5th:  tournament start, field cuts down to 256 players
Dec 10th - 12th: field cuts to 128 players
Dec 17th - 19th: field cuts down to 64 players
Dec 26th - 28th (default days changed to avoid scheduling on Christmas/Christmas eve): field cuts down to 32
Jan 2nd - Jan 5th (default days changed to avoid New Years day): field down to 16

Double elimination playoffs start

Friday&Saturday Jan 7th-8th @ 5PM PST - Playoff days until 4 remain
Sunday Jan 9th @ 5PM PST - Finals & Grand Finals


Nice work. Single elim til top 16 is pretty harsh, lets hope I get in lol.
☠ massi4h


Have you fully worked out how the seeding is going transfer into the tournament tree yet?

And will you publish the final list of competitors sorted by TF Sprint times? I'd be a bit curious to the field spread, and if you're going to have to look them all up for seeding purposes anyway then I don't suppose it'd be that much extra effort to release the list.


Just curious... when will the Sprint times (used for seeding) be retrieved?


whoops...guess i shouldn't have been lazy and waited; guess i didn't make it in.  oh well I'm no good at VS anyways =P



I don't think Blink ever answered when I asked about when the times were taken or how people get cut out... holy crap am I glad I remembered to check on this, I only have like a day left! Glad to see such a turnout.

I think Ryan means: if he got knocked out of the top 256, can he re-apply by resubmitting if he improves his sprint time? Without the answer to the other question, who knows... but I don't think it should get him banned since he's not being duplicitous.


Quote from: myndzi
holy crap am I glad I remembered to check on this, I only have like a day left!
Registration is closed...

And I'm pretty sure that the current starting list is final? It'd seem a bit harsh to swap people out for better placed competitors now that the schedule is fully drawn up for the first round.