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Messages - DarthDuck

Tetris / Nullpomino customization + mod pack
November 12, 2014, 03:04:08 PM
Hi, stupid question here. These mods are probably Windows-only?

I just got nullpo running on my Mac a few days ago, and I prefer to use this Mac for everything. But judging from the .EXE file in this package, I am guessing it's Windows only. Any way to get these to run on a mac? I am still a complete noob when it comes to compiling Mac distributions, so at this point, when I don't see a .DMG file I just give up.
Quote from: Blitz
In ruleeditor, change the randomizer to FixedSequenceRandomizer. What this randomizer does is it looks for a text file named "sequence" in the main folder and loads the sequence from there.
Yes thank you very much Blitz. Myndzi had actually answered this for me over skype and I have been playing with this successfully, but this solution was not intuitive to say the least, so it's great to have this information out there. Thanks Blitz! (and mynzdi!)

Comments: Your sequence does not need to be divisible by 7, it will loop any sequence that you feed it. Also, I was not using spaces.

Using I and O I got my 40L down to 22.5, and yes I know some of you are even faster without cheating..., but on a more serious note using this in practice mode has been great. I am trying to test sequences which I've given up on my ability to perfect clear, and by repeating them in practice mode, I can keep trying to find a different way to approach the PC and then maybe see something new.

[!--ImageUrlBegin--][a href=\\\"\\\" target=\\\"_new\\\"][!--ImageUrlEBegin--][img width=\\\"400\\\" class=\\\"attach\\\" src=\\\"\\\" border=\\\'0\\\' alt=\\\"IPB Image\\\" /][!--ImageUrlEnd--][/a][!--ImageUrlEEnd--]
My aim is to customize the bag sequences so that I can recreate certain kinds of tetris scenarios. I can get into the ruleeditor, but I can't seem to pick my own sequences or make custom rules stick.

Can anyone help with that please/
Tetris / Tetris Belts!
May 14, 2014, 10:22:32 PM
He was way below the margins, but grats anyway to Jkwon for completing his green belt.

Quote from: eevor
I think for a lot of us newer and/or slower players Nullpo is just too... fast. Don't know exactly how to explain it, playing 40 lines on Nullpo is awesome, but for multiplayer I still prefer TOP and TF. Speed is too emphasized on Nullpo, trying to create pretty much any fancy setup is suicide. It just gets boring, multiplayer is like playing Ultra and Dig in one.

I know I didn't explain it well, it's hard to.
I can relate to this. When I play on TF I usually do a couple DT cannons, imperial crosses, and a few fractals each game. I will even do some intentional "misdrops" just to see what will happen. But on nullpo I am not nearly as adventurous: I usually find myself rejecting tspin (and even tetris) opportunities, playing only for survival.

That and the only way I seem to be able to stay afloat at all in nullpo is by comboing every single time (since the line clear delay doesn't check the combo execution time like it does on TF). When I try to mix it up and use TKI methods I have a much lower probability of winning.

People are also right about the lack of available players being a vicious circle for having fewer players. It's not that I really mind getting slaughtered by people like Blitz or Agamemnon, but it is kind of embarrassing—similar to how when I dominate a less skilled player it feels awkward and I can't help but empathize for them. I think most top players (aside from Corrosive and very few others) feel the same way and don't really get off on dominating people, but instead keep playing to be polite; awkward for both sides.
Introductions / Barney!
February 01, 2014, 12:15:54 AM
Welcome. Grats on your 40L progress, that's incredible.
Announcements / Hard Drop Feature Suggestion Page
January 31, 2014, 11:25:57 PM
Ok I  granted access to edit the main page found a solution for this, which I will leave unless there are any objections:

[!--ImageUrlBegin--][a href=\\\"\\\" target=\\\"_new\\\"][!--ImageUrlEBegin--][img width=\\\"400\\\" class=\\\"attach\\\" src=\\\"\\\" border=\\\'0\\\' alt=\\\"IPB Image\\\" /][!--ImageUrlEnd--][/a][!--ImageUrlEEnd--]

The second 'T-Spin' was renamed to 'T-Spin Methods', moved to the top of the list, made bold, and capitalized. This is the sort of thing that a tag cloud does to draw attention to the most highly trafficked links. This is what we really want traffic to (as opposed to board games about tetris etc). Hopefully this will help the T-Spin methods section to make it to the 'Most Popular Pages' list!

That being said, I would like to make a suggestion which is still beyond my control, that the 'Home' link actually links to the main page. Instead, you must hover over 'Home', wait for the dropdown menu, then hit 'Main Page'. Took me 3 days to figure that one out so I know I'm not the only one...
Announcements / Hard Drop Feature Suggestion Page
January 29, 2014, 04:25:33 PM
Quote from: morningpee
It is on the main page.
[!--ImageUrlBegin--][a href=\\\"\\\" target=\\\"_new\\\"][!--ImageUrlEBegin--][img width=\\\"400\\\" class=\\\"attach\\\" src=\\\"\\\" border=\\\'0\\\' alt=\\\"IPB Image\\\" /][!--ImageUrlEnd--][/a][!--ImageUrlEEnd--]

That said, I agree that it should be more visible.

Yeah, never noticed that considering there is an identical anchor link beside it for 'popular pages'. We should haven't to rely on tooltips/hovering to deal with equivocation issues like that. I think it should be bold and at the top, and with a proper anchor link.
Announcements / Hard Drop Feature Suggestion Page
January 29, 2014, 02:03:38 PM
Please link directly to Tspin Methods from the main page of the wiki. At the very top of the Tspin Methods page is a link to the "main article' of the basic tspin page. That's why simply changing the flow of redirects to the main page would make everyone happy.

The Tspin Methods page is very important, and aside from some concept pages like 'skimming' or 'parity', it's what most advanced players would be interested in.

However, there is no link to it from the main page. I have it bookmarked, and otherwise can only find it because I know where to look. First you have to click on 'Tspins' then scroll down to the very bottom and go to See Also: 'Tspin Methods'. That is not ideal navigation for what is arguably the most important section.

The 'Tspin' page which is linked to directly from the main page is rather worthless, especially in having any value as something that you would revisit. Rather than have the 'Tspin' page link to the 'Tspin Methods' page, I think it should be the other way around. Unfortunately, that very basic Tspin page has 32,000 hits! This is embarrassing people people otherwise directed to that more detailed methods page would be seeing some amazing information. It also is a kink in the advancement of collective knowledge if you think of all the people who could have learned about prophesy spins or STMB Caves but instead just saw a basic page and decided not to come back anymore.

Thanks for reading.

PS. I even went through the length to create a dedicated link to the tspin methods instead of the front page of the wiki so that A) more people could find it and B) because I honestly think it functions as a better (or at least more important) main page. For the record, my name is Eric not John; that's an imaginary character.

I have a lot of Harddrop bookmarks, so I made that link from my own site for quicker access. But I don't think a lot of people are going to make their own websites just to more easily access the content on this one.
Arena / [NML] NullpoMino League Season 1
October 29, 2013, 07:15:08 PM
I'm sorry I barely had time to play half the people in this. I told aaron to give everyone who didn't play me the 5-0 benefit of the doubt.
General / How to make a fumen hook?
September 09, 2013, 01:59:32 AM
Does anyone have names of any coders behind the fumen project? I always try to dig up original sources of anything I use, but I can't read any of the Japanese in the source code.

I do have the fumen working in English (much thanks to Myndzi), but will probably take me a long time to figure out how to incorporate it into the rich editor so it can be used with custom BB code tags and therefore not need HTML to be enabled. It's ok if no one is able to throw out more hints on this, because I won't be able to use it as a school project if I get "too much" help. I will just have to run lots of backups and read all the IPB developer documentation I can find.  

Thanks myndzi!

And please throw out any names if you know someone who worked on this. Is Mihys one? I found this old note from Chopin embedded in the comments of pfcode.js:

Jan 13, 2011 18:11
Help with fumen

Hi, Mihys.
This is Chopin from and I was wondering if I could ask you if something is possible.
I need to see if fumen can convert into a diagram code to put in our Tetr!s wiki at
Please contact (PM) message me at if you can.
Big help appreciated!
General / Tripcodes are NOT passwords
September 08, 2013, 03:10:58 PM
But what about using an MD5 or SHA as your actual password. In that case does it even matter how strong the key is?

I might be tempted to do that for my Gmail because if someone hacks my Google Drive I'm ****ed.
General / Tripcodes are NOT passwords
September 08, 2013, 02:24:44 PM
Quote from: Kitaru
Hash, not hashtags.

EDIT: I see your point that "tag" seems to lack the crypotgraphic process, such as being used for brand recognition and promotion.

"any combination of characters led by a hash symbol is a hashtag"


I normally use the world "hash code" but was adapting the word 'tag' from certain nullpomino guides here. "Hash" by itself seems a little misleading since there are so many uses for hash tables but, I will go ahead and change all of my uses of 'hash tag' to 'hash code' since you don't like my phrasing.