Tetris Belts!

Started by Paul676, August 16, 2011, 03:21:21 AM

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Paul: just checking
Wizard: ya gotta start at the bottom and work your way up, but as long as you keep passing you can take em one after another. I can test you sometime today if you like, though I have an errand to run for the next hour-ish. Add me on skype ('myndzi') and I'll drop you a message when I'm free.


Congrats to wizard944 on passing the white & yellow belt tests today

There are some rough spots in the requirements so I'm gonna attempt to smooth some of 'em out with some examples.

There are some requirements written like 'Tetris -> B2B Tetris', 'TSD -> B2B TSD', 'LST/JST -> B2B LST/JST'

Specifically, these do not need to be combos, but they should not have other clears in-between them (including clears that would maintain B2B). So for B2B Tetris:

For combo setups such as 2-wide, all the combo clears should be within the specified width, with an exception where noted for skimming with I-pieces. For 6-combo in 2-wide, that means 7 clears in the 2-wide space. Examples:


The second combo is not a 6-combo 2-wide since one of the clears was in a 1-wide well. You can avoid this by 1) stacking a clean bottom, 2) using your restart, or 3) stacking higher and doing a longer combo. Example:


Similarly, clears for one setup do not count for another setup. You can compensate by adding extra lines to the combo here as well, but it's easier on us if you make a clean break of it. Examples:

Less than 8-combo would fail in this case.


This is easier on the judges

I-skimming is allowed in all combos, so this is okay:

Regarding the stepped combo, when it says 'steps must be at least 2 high', that means that these are okay:


While these are not okay:

Regarding restarts:

On setups tests that allow restarts, you may restart the given number of times at any point in the test. The clock will keep running, so don't stop to talk/chat, just go for it! If the restart breaks a setup, that setup must be re-built, but any completed setups will be kept. For example, the white belt setups test (TSD, Tetris -> B2B Tetris):


On the spin tests, pay attention to which kind of spins are allowed! The white belt test, for example, requires T-spin doubles -- but the yellow belt test allows ANY T-spins, including singles, minis, triples, etc. So this sequence for white belt would only count for 1 T-spin:

Okay, I had a little fun there

...but it would count for 5 on the yellow belt test.

Please note that some tests will ask for an Ultra room with a time limit, but the room time limit is NOT necessarily the limit for the test itself. This is simply because Ultra is the easiest "empty screen" room we can put you in, but it only allows time limits that are multiples of a minute. The yellow belt test, for example, has a time limit of 1:30 but the room limit will have to be 2:00. For tests like this, the tester will need to keep a separate timer, so please remember to wait for them to say they are ready before starting your games!

That's all I can think of for now, if you have anything to add to this list, please say


tetris belt pls.

Edit: PMed Paul678


can i become examiner?
edit: if i become examiner, can i test myself?


               Tetris Belts!


jkwon examined me, i haz yellow and white belt now.

PM me if you need record of convo on netplay



He was way below the margins, but grats anyway to Jkwon for completing his green belt.

Pyrrhonian disclaimer: If I use assertive language, then I only do so as a manner of speaking. I might say "the sun will rise tomorrow", but deep down, like anything else, I can never really know that. So if I


Is this still going on and if it is I want to enter


Kind of. But I don't have the time any more to test. If you would like to enter, send an unedited video of your attempts to me. I'll then award it if you pass. Be stringent and fair on yourself - don't ignore an initial failure on the test because it's more convenient, even if it is tempting.
               Tetris Belts!