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Started by caffeine, October 08, 2013, 09:18:13 AM

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I know that there's a mod out there somewhere (pretty sure one of belzebub's?) that exports a sprint game to fumen. Not sure exactly how you'd get it to work, but I think this might be useful, somehow.
Sandal that Stinks

Current 40L (Nullpo): 35.32s


Quote from: StS
I know that there's a mod out there somewhere (pretty sure one of belzebub's?) that exports a sprint game to fumen. Not sure exactly how you'd get it to work, but I think this might be useful, somehow.
I'm 90% sure you're thinking of Blitz's mod which might be a combination of other mods.


Quote from: unpronuncyashun2
I'm 90% sure you're thinking of Blitz's mod which might be a combination of other mods.

It might possibly be in there too. I've never used Blitz's compilation, so I'm certain that someone else did it too.
Sandal that Stinks

Current 40L (Nullpo): 35.32s


Thanks guys, I might try the fumen export. Since there's a way to speed up replays, it seems like this shouldn't be too difficult to implement. Unfortunately I don't know java  


BIG shoutout to caffeine for analyzing my personal best sprint. Super easy to contact and replies quickly!
[div align=\\\"center\\\"]Line Race Personal Best, 47:48[/div]


Quick question: If all 5 wall kick tests of SRS fail, is the piece not rotated?


Correct. If the natural rotation and the alternatives fail, then nothing happens.


My aim is to customize the bag sequences so that I can recreate certain kinds of tetris scenarios. I can get into the ruleeditor, but I can't seem to pick my own sequences or make custom rules stick.

Can anyone help with that please/
Pyrrhonian disclaimer: If I use assertive language, then I only do so as a manner of speaking. I might say "the sun will rise tomorrow", but deep down, like anything else, I can never really know that. So if I


That may not be possible (short of programming your own random generator). Someone else might know better, though. I've always used fumen for that.


Quote from: DarthDuck
My aim is to customize the bag sequences so that I can recreate certain kinds of tetris scenarios. I can get into the ruleeditor, but I can't seem to pick my own sequences or make custom rules stick.

Can anyone help with that please/

In ruleeditor, change the randomizer to FixedSequenceRandomizer. What this randomizer does is it looks for a text file named "sequence" in the main folder and loads the sequence from there.
This text file doesnt exist by default so you need to make one. In the nullpomino main folder, create a new text file and name it sequence. In that text file put characters like ILJTOSZOTLIILISOT etc...(must be capitalized).  You will get that same sequence every time. Any other than these seven characters will produce a single mino. This trick may be useful if you are trying to recreate a field with an odd number of minos.


Quote from: Blitz
In ruleeditor, change the randomizer to FixedSequenceRandomizer. What this randomizer does is it looks for a text file named "sequence" in the main folder and loads the sequence from there.
Yes thank you very much Blitz. Myndzi had actually answered this for me over skype and I have been playing with this successfully, but this solution was not intuitive to say the least, so it's great to have this information out there. Thanks Blitz! (and mynzdi!)

Comments: Your sequence does not need to be divisible by 7, it will loop any sequence that you feed it. Also, I was not using spaces.

Using I and O I got my 40L down to 22.5, and yes I know some of you are even faster without cheating..., but on a more serious note using this in practice mode has been great. I am trying to test sequences which I've given up on my ability to perfect clear, and by repeating them in practice mode, I can keep trying to find a different way to approach the PC and then maybe see something new.

[!--ImageUrlBegin--][a href=\\\"\\\" target=\\\"_new\\\"][!--ImageUrlEBegin--][img width=\\\"400\\\" class=\\\"attach\\\" src=\\\"\\\" border=\\\'0\\\' alt=\\\"IPB Image\\\" /][!--ImageUrlEnd--][/a][!--ImageUrlEEnd--]
Pyrrhonian disclaimer: If I use assertive language, then I only do so as a manner of speaking. I might say "the sun will rise tomorrow", but deep down, like anything else, I can never really know that. So if I


how do you post videos on harddrop I can't figure it out.


Quote from: EagleLover58
how do you post videos on harddrop I can't figure it out.

We do not forgive. We do not forget.


I'm getting stuck on a set speed and a set pattern.  What can I do to break out of patterns and also improve on my Minos Per Second?
Seeking improvement on Tetris, but taking it one mino at a time.


Quote from: nostalgianinja
I'm getting stuck on a set speed and a set pattern.  What can I do to break out of patterns and also improve on my Minos Per Second?
You may find post 1 and 3 here useful for improving your speed.
To break out of old patterns, learn new ones. Play different game modes so that you need to adapt your playstyle to better achieve the goals of those game modes. If you Tetris stack on the left, try switching it up by stacking on the right instead and vice versa, or try stacking on the sides leaving a hole in the middle. There are no limits to what you can try. If you try new things it should be easier to change your playstyle, simply because your old playstyle may not work very well in other environments.
You can also watch other people play and pick up small things they do that you never thought of.