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Messages - level5

Introductions / Hello and help
October 02, 2013, 12:35:13 AM
Hello everyone, sorry I've not been here for ages. Glad you spotted Concentricity is now free. James had wanted to make it free for a while now, and finally got around to it.

In answer to some of the above points:

yes, he has a girlfriend

writing a phd thesis whilst caring for your father through cancer makes it a little harder than most

he would love to play the game named after him, he also wants to go and contest his title, and many many more things, tetris related and physics related, but currently he is working late each evening at the Max Planck Institute in Germany, before coming home to code something which you may find exciting in the future. No, not another tetris game, but hopefully something useful for any internet users.

I know I'm rarely ever here, and he even less - although I do report everything you say to him. Please don't feel shunned, given the choice he'd happily be playing tetris and talking about tetris, he's just a little busy with life and various obligations. He does keep up to date with what's going on in the tetris world, and he still plays his 200 lines game to unwind.


by the way he's on twitter as @_itch_ he was tweeting about the championship last night I think (he rarely tweets, but what he says is interesting - but I would think that wouldn't I!)
Introductions / Chopin of Tetris
May 12, 2011, 05:43:20 AM
Hello, I think you're onto something listening to classical music as you play, James plays better when he does that.

Welcome to the site!
Introductions / Hi there!
May 12, 2011, 05:41:26 AM
Hello Kim!
Introductions / Hello and help
May 10, 2011, 01:26:14 AM
Quote from: dkorn725
welcome to HD! Is your bf really a tetris champ or close to it, love to c him play

Hi Drew, you can see him play on the videos on my profile. :-)
Strategy/Help / Thanks and help and suggestions
May 08, 2011, 04:00:33 PM
Quote from: level5
I've just been telling James about the people posting algorithms and he's really keen to know what they think of his 200 lines video. He's also beguns aying that he'd like to talk to everyone...but understand he's saying this whilst swamped by work...I think we may end up as a joint profile! You'll know when it's him not me, becuase he'll understand what people are saying. I've been reading different posts in the forums, and I think I understand one in 5 maybe.
Introductions / Hello and help
May 08, 2011, 03:59:17 PM
Quote from: dkorn725
welcome to HD! Is your bf really a tetris champ or close to it, love to c him play

Yes, he was the Twin Galaxies world champion in 1999. And you can see him play - have a look at my videos. Though he'd tell you he's out of practise now.


Quote from: dkorn725
welcome to HD! Is your bf really a tetris champ or close to it, love to c him play
Introductions / Hello and help
May 08, 2011, 02:24:13 PM
Quote from: virulent
welcome to hd! glad to see you've gotten involved in the intro threads
Thanks. I'm reading lots of them, but only understanding about 1 in 5.

I'm impressed though.
Strategy/Help / Thanks and help and suggestions
May 08, 2011, 02:11:01 PM
Quote from: level5
I tell him everything that goes on in's the only way I'm understanding it all! I'm trying to get more involved but I'm way out of my depth.

He is ridiculously busy, I know that sounds like a bad excuse, but the reason he plays the 200 lines version of the game is to stop himself losing too much time to Tetris, it used to be when he started a game it would last for 7hours! At least with 200 lines it's more like ten minutes.
He's currently coming up to the end of his phd - which, if you've ever done one, or know anyone who has, is a pretty intense time.

But I've been telling him if he wants to up Concentricity's profile then competing again would be a good plan, but he's wary about case he loses days!

I'd say he's definitely temptable, and would love to play.


I've just been telling James about the people posting algorithms and he's really keen to know what they think of his 200 lines video. He's also beguns aying that he'd like to talk to everyone...but understand he's saying this whilst swamped by work...I think we may end up as a joint profile! You'll know when it's him not me, becuase he'll understand what people are saying. I've been reading different posts in the forums, and I think I understand one in 5 maybe.
Introductions / Hello and help
May 08, 2011, 02:07:24 PM
Quote from: Paul676
yay I'm also in the UK  - welcome to HD

(I've been chatting to James about Harddrop and he's begun to say things like "These guys sound really interesting ")

He might be along soon.
Tetris / Sustainability of ST/ZT stacking
May 08, 2011, 02:02:24 PM
Quote from: XaeL
I find ravendarksky's image offensive.

Have you looked at the 200 lines video? James said if you guys are doing mathematical analysis he'd love to hear what you think...although he then started saying that he made too many mistakes and maybe I shouldn't show it to you......(I already posted it on the site days ago - oops)
Introductions / Itsame POOPE!
May 08, 2011, 01:11:15 PM
Quote from: virulent

agreed. is it supposed to be poop music? :s anywho welcome~

Introductions / Hello hard drop!
May 08, 2011, 01:09:30 PM
Quote from: virulent

o TDS marathon comes up with garbage holes? i thought all marathon modes were just 15 levels [some with invis afterlevel]

welcome to hd!

Hello. Where did the picture go?
Introductions / Introduction
May 08, 2011, 01:04:27 PM
Quote from: Alexsweden

nice eyes
Quote from: Paradox
Just press spacebar really fast and mash the arrow keys.
Just kidding! It's no secret! Just play a long time and work really hard. I've spent hundreds of hours on 40L (sprint) and i'm at 28 seconds :O.

Okay - ready to display my ignorance...but if you played one handed...does that mean you used a stick?

Introductions / Hello Tetris Addicts
May 08, 2011, 01:01:03 PM
Quote from: USMC123
As far as your first question, the alliance is for Cybernations, which is a nation building game with a lot of political role playing.  If you like politics at all, CN is a lot of fun.  Most of our members are pretty devout gamers though, playing literally everything.  Our forums do include an arcade that have a lot of various games, including of course Tetris.  Right now we've been on a bit of a Rise of Nations binge.  Most of the active members own it and we've been playing it a LOT lately.  We also have a lot of XBOX360, PS3, Wii players.

As far as your second question, these forums are already in my bookmarks.   Plus, in hanging around here I might actually learn some tricks to improve my Tetris skills. @_@

Also: for the record, the only reason I haven't uploaded an avatar yet is because the one I normally use isn't 120x120 so I'm trying to find an alternate I like.

I can sympathise with the Tetris fan, but horrible player comment. Since coming here I'm learning daily how little I know.