Thanks and help and suggestions

Started by level5, May 08, 2011, 12:55:16 AM

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         I joined this site because I thought a group of people who like Tetris would be the perfect folk to appricate James (see the videos on my site!) And you have been really lovely. It's nice to talk to people who are impressed by his skills and don't just laugh at me for "going out with a geek".
          I'm trying to support him with the release of his app. But I've run out of ideas. I've told my friends (but I live in Cornwall - which is very rural and there's not a lot of folk I know who own iphones) and I've told you guys.
          What else can I do?
          I thought perhaps people might have had experience...or might know where I should send him to get him publicity...obviously you all like Hard Drop, but are there other places like this? Or are there particular magazines or things?
          It has been really lovely to have people say "wow this guys good" especially folk like you who know what you're talking about. I'd really appricate any suggestions you might have.

                      Level5  (As in, I still haven't managed to get to level 5 - and he's got to level 13 now. I'm never going to catch up!)


make the app free...that would be a good start


Quote from: Noogy
make the app free...that would be a good start

Yes! We're onto that already...hopefully there will be a free level one.

But beyond, telling friends...what can we do?

(BTW - thank you for responding so quickly! You're up early on a sunday!)


you can also get him to talk on HD himself instead of speaking for him

also, theres a decent amount of people who just register on this forum to show off/advertise something and never really stay.... you'd get more attention if you were an active member of the community


Yes, please make the app free, I'd love to play it but I'm not dishing out two bucks if it just happens to be just another sh**ty game that someone comes on here and advertises, no offense.


               Tetris Belts!


Quote from: Paul676
classic aaron

Yep guilty as charged. I am here because of James and his app. I'm trying to be a supportive girlfriend.
I know I've said it already, but it has been really nice to be able to talk about it somewhere and have people understand what I'm on about. You guys understand way more than me!


It would be cool if James could make an account here - it would be nice to play him someday...also, since I know at least 4 other UK players relatively well, it would be good to have a tetris meet-up some day in the summer
               Tetris Belts!


Quote from: Paul676
It would be cool if James could make an account here - it would be nice to play him someday...also, since I know at least 4 other UK players relatively well, it would be good to have a tetris meet-up some day in the summer

I tell him everything that goes on in here.

He is busy, I know that sounds like a bad excuse, but the reason he plays the 200 lines version of the game is to stop himself losing too much time to Tetris.
He's currently coming up to the end of his phd - which, if you've ever done one, or know anyone who has, is a pretty intense time.

Competing again would be a good plan, I'd say he's definitely temptable, and would love to play.



Quote from: level5
I tell him everything that goes on in's the only way I'm understanding it all! I'm trying to get more involved but I'm way out of my depth.

He is ridiculously busy, I know that sounds like a bad excuse, but the reason he plays the 200 lines version of the game is to stop himself losing too much time to Tetris, it used to be when he started a game it would last for 7hours! At least with 200 lines it's more like ten minutes.
He's currently coming up to the end of his phd - which, if you've ever done one, or know anyone who has, is a pretty intense time.

But I've been telling him if he wants to up Concentricity's profile then competing again would be a good plan, but he's wary about case he loses days!

I'd say he's definitely temptable, and would love to play.


I've just been telling James about the people posting algorithms and he's really keen to know what they think of his 200 lines video. He's also beguns aying that he'd like to talk to everyone...but understand he's saying this whilst swamped by work...I think we may end up as a joint profile! You'll know when it's him not me, becuase he'll understand what people are saying. I've been reading different posts in the forums, and I think I understand one in 5 maybe.


Quote from: level5
I've just been telling James about the people posting algorithms and he's really keen to know what they think of his 200 lines video. He's also beguns aying that he'd like to talk to everyone...but understand he's saying this whilst swamped by work...I think we may end up as a joint profile! You'll know when it's him not me, becuase he'll understand what people are saying. I've been reading different posts in the forums, and I think I understand one in 5 maybe.