How did you get your name?

Started by Magnanimous, January 08, 2010, 11:11:22 PM

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when i first played cultris i got like 20 lines in 2 seconds, so i called myself deadb4youknowit. i didnt notice that it could be interpreted to mean i kill people really fast until later...



OH Brian you're Deadb4youknowit! never realised!
               Tetris Belts!



well im a beast, and if i were to be asian shen would be my name. in all the past games i played people think im asian good stuff
<div style="overflow: hidden; background-image: url(;background-repeat: no-repeat; width: 285px; height: 80px;position:relative;"><span style="width:60px;height:80px;float:left;overflow: hidden;margin-top:10px;margin-left:10px;"><a href="http://hard


My name is Regina but everybody calls me Gina.  I used HD b/c everybody else had an HD name and I can't be left out!  lol

My TF name is REGIMOM88.  Regi is my oldest son's name.  88 is my favorite number b/c it was Lisa "LeftEye" Lopes' tattoo (TLC).


Quote from: briannn
now you know it

lame ...


I was starving, like really really hungry one night but i am poor. I looked in the pantry and there was nothing but cat food. Literally bags and bags of Meow Mix, so i thought to myself, that would make a great username!

I added Super cuz it made it so much better! Wouldn't you agree?
[!--ImageUrlBegin--][a href=\\\"\\\" target=\\\"_new\\\"][!--ImageUrlEBegin--][img width=\\\"400\\\" class=\\\"attach\\\" src=\\\"\\\" border=\\\'0\\\' al


triple double: scoring double digits in 3 (or more i guess) categories in basketball, ie. points, rebounds, assists, steals.. etc

im thinking of changing my TF name.... slt are my initials and im somewhat of a pyro.. but it doesn't look nice. Triple double it is!


my name is about nothing, but that isn't really important right now. i'd rather talk about a TOJ girl named orangeinmyhead. i'm sure you've all seen the green and orange faces at TOJ, green for guys and orange for girls. now i'm pretty sure this is where the name came from. but she didn't call herself something boring and sensible like orangeface. instead she created the name i hope to see everytime i skim through the multiplayer rooms at TOJ. orangeinmyhead, i salute you, and no matter what happens in this world, don't let anyone take the orange out of your head.


Quote from: SuperMeowMix
I was starving, like really really hungry one night but i am poor. I looked in the pantry and there was nothing but cat food. Literally bags and bags of Meow Mix, so i thought to myself, that would make a great username!

I added Super cuz it made it so much better! Wouldn't you agree?

did you eat it?[/color]
[div align=\\\"center\\\"]


Hmmm, take a wild guess.....


cause i'm in school for art & design, and sometimes i just wanna KILL IT.
also, it's a good song by the band hypocrisy.


i high school i did a lot of rapping and i thought Profane was a super sick name.  high school for me was many moons ago as oppose to most of you.  I was/am in a group called Db you can find some of my stuff around the internetz.  but most of my recent and all of my non terrible sh** isn't online.


Johnny cuz thats my name and the 147 was on accident when I made my TF account, it gave me a suggested name and I typed in a different name, but I guess I forgot to choose the new name bubble.  Then I decided not to change it on HD. Lame!


Kenguru is kangaroo in finnish. Kangaroos are AWESOME and you know it. So... yeah.