How did you get your name?

Started by Magnanimous, January 08, 2010, 11:11:22 PM

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It's a sound-effect I used to do when I was younger. Saying it while inhaling.

Beat that, anyone?

Kenguru: Great avatar, ducks are so amesome.


I sneezed with my fingers resting on the keyboard.
[div align=\\\"center\\\"]NullpoMino[/div]


I tripped into a brand (yeah those burning metal ones....) that said DAS... its burnt into my shoulder...

44s a good #

ok really its my initials. but that first story woulda been a good one..



i go by Olay most of the time (except DannyBars in tetris) when i was playing medal of honor i once accidentally switched my  name from the default player to olayer then my brother made fun of me, then i kept going by olay just to annoy him
"Do or do not, there is no try" - Yoda


I like Hypofreakk. I like it because a long time ago when I was like in Kindergarten my sister made me an email and it had the words "hypo" and "freak". So yeah. I used to use "hypofreak" but now I like "Hypofreakk" If my name is already taken sometimes I use "Rannnnnie" which is made by me!


I have been bribed not to divulge this information.
<a href="" target="_blank" title="Hsanrb's Profile for Söldner-X Himmelsstürmer"><img src="" alt="Hsanrb's Gamer Tag" /></a>


My nickname for the past few years is commonly known as "The Creature" due to my mysterious creaching abilities, and I used to be very into Rubix Cubes. I Own 2x2's - 7x7's, Square One, Magic, and Master Magic cubes. And can solve them all, or used to be able to anyway, not sure i could solve a Square One these days.


Cubix, have you tried solving 4 and 5 dimension rubix cubes before?
               Tetris Belts!


jemm= my initials has nothing to do with gems like gold says
"Given the real thing and an indistinguishable fake, which is worth more"- Gaen Izuko (Nisemonogatari)
"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit."- Aristotle


Noogy is how kids used to pronounce my last name in middle school (nguyen); ive used it for many many years now haha



My name is Michael Baucum (pronounced "Bawk-um").

Teachers, however, had always mispronounced my last name as "Bowk (as in hOUse)- um"...

So first I was:
            then, Bowcum X,
      and then, Bowcum in the Middle,

and now it's evolved into its superiorly simple form: Bowcy!  


               Tetris Belts!


my real username was : vince0605, lame ryt?
then i tried to think of a random cool name.
then i decided Korihimaru. why?
Kor = Core
Ree = Dunno Why
Hiii = Hi!
Ma = My Name Is
Ru = Ru!


Quote from: Korihimaru
my real username was : vince0605, lame ryt?
then i tried to think of a random cool name.
then i decided Korihimaru. why?
Kor = Core
Ree = Dunno Why
Hiii = Hi!
Ma = My Name Is
Ru = Ru!

i'm not an expert at japanese, so this might be slightly off in the way it's put together, but if you wanted to you could read korihimaru as 垢離火丸, which roughly means "purifying flame circle". someone that knows kanji better than I do could probably confirm/deny this.

as for myself, I'm just Pete, but "Pete" is usually already registered wherever I go, so I got into the habit of prepending "Dr". (Hopefully I'll have a PhD in a few years and it'll be accurate   )
[div align=\\\"center\\\"] My Tetris Friends profile [url=http://kingo


I had a friend named Sourze in MapleStory Europe.
I loved his name and used it on a gamesite where they also have tetris, for like 2 years ago.
Then however i got abit bored of the name, and i found out the name Sourzu, love that name alot.
Also i found out just randomly the day i created my account on TetrisFriends, the name Sozu, sounded familar to Sourzu, just abit smaller.

Also have seen on internet if these names have meanings, and on urbandictionary someone have wrote about Sozu: "The pairing of Sokka and Zuko from Avatar: The Last Airbender where Sokka is the top. 'So' comes from Sokka while 'Zu' comes from Zuko. Sozu is the opposite of Zukka."