How did you get your name?

Started by Magnanimous, January 08, 2010, 11:11:22 PM

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Since some of you guys have pretty weird nicknames... (no offense)

What was the inspiration behind your username? And is this your only one, or do you have other aliases?

Personally, magnanimous is my favorite adjective.  (Gregarious is my second favorite.) It was shortened to Magna when I got a DS... Your nickname can only be up to ten letters, and Magnanimous is eleven.

I'm also Brouhaha on some other forums, 'cause that's my favorite noun.
Best 40 Lines: 37:74 (162.18 TPM) on NullpoMino


my original name was paper god, because i did [and still do] lots of origami,
ori = to fold, kami = paper, kami is also used in japanese as a synonym for = god,

then i got into some djing/emceeing so i decided it would be cool to have a dj/emcee name thus the papirus, derived from papyrus, an erly form of paper,

azn, because im azn, ._.

i also use Blahnk, PaperRoses, and BlahnkStarCircus no inspiration for those

edit: BlahnkStarCircus is from Nightmare - Trickstar Circus, just replace Trick with Blahnk ._.
What a cloudy day!
No ees not ._.


Monte because it sounds high class and I'm a classy lassy that's all the way sassy.  
Monte: you scared of the rookie of the year
Digital: sigh, I'm soooo scared
Digital: *digital pees in his pants*


"The Sound of Animals Fighting - The Heretic" is where I got this name from.


boingloing -something to do with the demented cartoon movie
I also go by famicom11

g u r l g a m e r


Iphys is an alternative spelling of Iphis that I found in the Golding translation of Ovid's Metamorphoses.  I like it because it's both a male and female name, and one of the characters called Iphis was transformed from a girl into a guy, which I think would be way more amazing than being transformed into a bird or something strange.


I just combined the first 4 letters of my actual  first name and the first 4 letters of my actual last name to get my Tetris name. I chose one and  only  number 4 for the fusion  because if you add all  the  numbers of  my date of birth 1'st Aug, 1984 , you will get 4.


thats so raven!. Chelsey named the business team "the slowmos" . lol  


It's all about the love



I got my name because my father Peleus, the King of Myrmidons, decided to call me Achilles.

I removed the "s" because I don't like it in Tetris...
If they ever tell my story, let them say I walked with giants.

Men rise and fall like the winter wheat but these names will never die.

Let them say I lived in the time of Hector tamer of horses.

Let them say... ...I lived in the time of Achilles.


my nickname is Goob (fairly complicated story behind that).
And Gobzilla is a sick movie so I used the zilla to make Goobzilla.
I use all capitals because it emulates the enormity of godzilla.
[div align=\\\"center\\\"]

Goob's Money Crew[/div][div align=\\\"center\\\"]


I used to have a bad caffeine addiction. I've tried to quit, but I relapse every now and then. Right now I'm sober one month. (Yes, I know caffeine isn't a serious addiction.)


Quote from: caffeine
I used to have a bad caffeine addiction. I've tried to quit, but I relapse every now and then. Right now I'm sober one month. (Yes, I know caffeine isn't a serious addiction.)

i would advise embracing your caffeine addiction. *sips espresso* you can get a good pump for fairly cheap these days.

m is simply the first letter of my name.   on tetrisconcept i used m  but i couldn't use that nik here so i improvised.   I also use teknic as in technics sl 1200

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Mozallica is a mixture of Mozart (musician) and Metallica (Band) and it comes from my friends who once said I look like Mozart and like listening to Metallica and then combined them to Mozallica.

Another name I sometimes use is EggcellAxel cause some people call me Axel although it isnt my name. The eggcell comes from the similar pronounciation of eggcell and Axel which I find funny