Challenge: "The Perfect Sprint Game"

Started by FelipeMayrink, December 12, 2012, 02:32:19 PM

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This replay is from like 3 weeks ago, I only saved it because it was my fastest sprint finishing with a PC

- 10 tetrises finishing is a PC would be insanely difficult due to the extremely low probability of getting the right pieces along with the other reducing variables of no hold and perfect finesse. Much harder for a lot of us as well, since most dont play 40L with pure tetrises in mind.
- PC sprints are very rare in their own right and I for one dont get them too often.
- I checked the code in the replay file and I had 19 faults. I hardened my sprinting game long before this fault system came around and because of that I have a few serious flaws in my stacking when it comes to finesse. I average around 20 faults a game because of this. The biggest problem I think is I rotate blocks into place in the second column incorrectly, when combined with me being a right side stacker, I das-back lots of blocks there. As I am now its impossible for me to get a 0 fault game. This is why I play with kpt which is a very valid efficiency stat and my avg of 2.95-3.05 would look a lot better compared to my fault avg.
- I used 9 holds. I had a misdrop at the end and used hold a few extra times to get around it. I avg 0-2 holds. If you are trying for it, no hold games aren't too difficult. However, it can force you to use more pieces on average. Going by my experience I would finish 40L games with and avg of 103-104 pieces without holds and with just those extra 1 or 2 holds I would avg 101-103 pieces a game.
- No soft drops were used. Most people don't even have soft drop in their rule files. Only time I could see this come into play is if someone tried to play this challenge out like a puzzle.

So I only passed 2 of the 5 requirements with 2 of the remaining 3 parts being physically impossible for me to complete.

This is and interesting idea for a challenge, however I think its a much more feasible challenge if you drop the only tetrises requirement. Then I think you could have some of HD's finesse monsters pass this challenge.
☠ ZeroT


Quote from: ZeroT

This replay is from like 3 weeks ago, I only saved it because it was my fastest sprint finishing with a PC

- 10 tetrises finishing is a PC would be insanely difficult due to the extremely low probability of getting the right pieces along with the other reducing variables of no hold and perfect finesse. Much harder for a lot of us as well, since most dont play 40L with pure tetrises in mind.
- PC sprints are very rare in their own right and I for one dont get them too often.
- I checked the code in the replay file and I had 19 faults. I hardened my sprinting game long before this fault system came around and because of that I have a few serious flaws in my stacking when it comes to finesse. I average around 20 faults a game because of this. The biggest problem I think is I rotate blocks into place in the second column incorrectly, when combined with me being a right side stacker, I das-back lots of blocks there. As I am now its impossible for me to get a 0 fault game. This is why I play with kpt which is a very valid efficiency stat and my avg of 2.95-3.05 would look a lot better compared to my fault avg.
- I used 9 holds. I had a misdrop at the end and used hold a few extra times to get around it. I avg 0-2 holds. If you are trying for it, no hold games aren't too difficult. However, it can force you to use more pieces on average. Going by my experience I would finish 40L games with and avg of 103-104 pieces without holds and with just those extra 1 or 2 holds I would avg 101-103 pieces a game.
- No soft drops were used. Most people don't even have soft drop in their rule files. Only time I could see this come into play is if someone tried to play this challenge out like a puzzle.

So I only passed 2 of the 5 requirements with 2 of the remaining 3 parts being physically impossible for me to complete.

This is and interesting idea for a challenge, however I think its a much more feasible challenge if you drop the only tetrises requirement. Then I think you could have some of HD's finesse monsters pass this challenge.
Interesting post and comment. I guess I can give that criteria out of it. I still think it would be much more awesome to see a 5/5 completion, but I guess a 4/5 still would be cool. Anyone who want to try out for that criteria, feel free to post videos.

Will be editing the first post soon.


I'll post my fastest with 4 criteria if someone tells me how to record it. Or records it for me??  I can send the replay file.


Quote from: Estrelleta
I'll post my fastest with 4 criteria if someone tells me how to record it. Or records it for me??  I can send the replay file.
You would have to download a screen recorder like Fraps or Camstasia Studio.

But, if you need, PM me the replay and I'll record it for you.


I changed my mind, these look too nooby to upload.


Quote from: Estrelleta
I changed my mind, these look too nooby to upload.
Lol, ok then. Remember, it really doesn't have to be fast


If you allow re-records, this isn't so difficult. I looked through my replays to find the first game where the 100th piece is I (probability 1/7). Re-recorded to finish with no hold, no soft drop and only tetrises, then rolled back to the 87th piece (where my stack was reasonably flat). Takes some puzzling, but with perfect foresight I found a solution that matches all criteria.

I suspect that a solution usually exists, otherwise I was very lucky.


Quote from: UJS3
If you allow re-records, this isn't so difficult. I looked through my replays to find the first game where the 100th piece is I (probability 1/7). Re-recorded to finish with no hold, no soft drop and only tetrises, then rolled back to the 87th piece (where my stack was reasonably flat). Takes some puzzling, but with perfect foresight I found a solution that matches all criteria.

I suspect that a solution usually exists, otherwise I was very lucky.
We might have a winner, people...


Quote from: FelipeMayrink
We might have a winner, people...

I can't seem to attach it directly, but this should work.


Congratulations buddy. Here's your prize:  

[!--ImageUrlBegin--][a href=\\\"\\\" target=\\\"_new\\\"][!--ImageUrlEBegin--][img width=\\\"400\\\" class=\\\"attach\\\" src=\\\"\\\" border=\\\'0\\\' alt=\\\"IPB Image\\\" /][!--ImageUrlEnd--][/a][!--ImageUrlEEnd--]

Will be editing the first post with a "winners" part. Would you like me to record it and post it on youtube for you?


Quote from: FelipeMayrink
Congratulations buddy. Here's your prize:  

[!--ImageUrlBegin--][a href=\\\"\\\" target=\\\"_new\\\"][!--ImageUrlEBegin--][img width=\\\"400\\\" class=\\\"attach\\\" src=\\\"\\\" border=\\\'0\\\' alt=\\\"IPB Image\\\" /][!--ImageUrlEnd--][/a][!--ImageUrlEEnd--]

Will be editing the first post with a "winners" part. Would you like me to record it and post it on youtube for you?



He used re-record. gosh.

√ Perfect Line Clearing
√ Perfect Piece Count
√ Perfect Finesse
√ No Holds
√ No Soft Drop
√ Sub 30
√ No Re-Record

QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.


Quote from: XaeL
He used re-record. gosh.

√ Perfect Line Clearing
√ Perfect Piece Count
√ Perfect Finesse
√ No Holds
√ No Soft Drop
√ Sub 30
√ No Re-Record

gg no re

Quote from: PandaLol no, that's ludacris. I have a sentence generator, Blink....


Quote from: XaeL
He used re-record. gosh.

Perfect Line Clearing
Perfect Piece Count
Perfect Finesse
No Holds
No Soft Drop
Sub 30
No Re-Record

funny how your real 40 lines time is about the same as that


Quote from: tk198
funny how your real 40 lines time is about the same as that
Hehe, i love how everyones praisin' it.

QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.