Challenge: "The Perfect Sprint Game"

Started by FelipeMayrink, December 12, 2012, 02:32:19 PM

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Quote from: Barneey
You probably didn't notice it because there is no lack of finesse, my mistake, sorry.

Fiery is right, finesse seems perfect, even so it still looks robotic to me, but I might be wrong of course.
Cool video, but far from "The perfect sprint game"

Both of you are right.  Watching it frame-by-frame, the guy's finesse is almost inscrutable.  Don't know what I was saying.  It would be pretty insane for someone to pull this off in real time.

Sure, it's not perfect in that it's not all tetrises and it uses holds.  I was just watching TF replays and thought AVIZL's would fit here.