HD Team League Season 2

Started by myndzi, April 25, 2011, 10:27:07 PM

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Quote from: EnFuego
Paradox added to team mystery!!
                          Z E N A S I S


I would definitely love to play in this especially because of the possibility of the 20G ARS ruleset. If any team would like to have me play for them, I'd love to help out. I'm currently ranked #1 in both Ti ARS modes in the western world, and I'm not too horrible at SRS multiplayer as well!


<a href=http://backloggery.com/kitaru><img src="http://backloggery.com/kitaru/sig.gif" border='0' alt="My Backloggery" /></a>


Are either of you hopeless romantics?


<a href=http://backloggery.com/kitaru><img src="http://backloggery.com/kitaru/sig.gif" border='0' alt="My Backloggery" /></a>


Please add Kitaru to the Legion of Doom list. Thanks


Updated the rosters. Updated HDTL-G ruleset, and updated the presets to have 1g gravity. Settings and rules will be locked for regular season, of course.


In my humble opinion 20G ARS w/ combos is a stupid combination.

Combos are too overpowered for you to put reasonable significance on something else and still allow combos (unless that something else is t-spins, and even then combos still win). Extra skill in 20G ARS is just totally nuked if combos are there. Like, who cares whether you can drill through garbage with 20G ARS because you'll be getting garbage in 25 line chunks anyway.


After seeing hebo 3-wide I tend to agree, but I hope to see a few other matches before making a decision. I figured combos were better than spins, and only Tetrises would be a bit plain. Anyway, the settings aren't gonna be locked in until after this weekend, and hopefully we will have more than one real match this weekend.

P.S. Type G rule file udpated once more - should prevent hopping over holes when DASing immediately out of ARE.

Edit: one more thing to be said for combos is that they will at least lower the difficulty of attacking for those of us who are less familiar with ARS 20g. I could try spins instead, but I suspect that combos are the most accessible attack.


You can add t-spins in, it's just that triples won't work. And that in general using t-spin doubles under 20G conditions is a bit risky.

With 100% change on attack, I'd have thought that drilling alone under ARS 20G conditions would provide enough of a challenge/spectacle. It's not easy. Ti-kicks and fricking huge lock delay (which I reckon could be safely made a bit smaller without pressuring players) make it easier, but it still isn't trivial.


The infinite lock delay isn't there to pressure players, it's to add the restrictiveness of 20g without the increased problem of having to place quickly. Players who are good at it will simply manlock, and players who aren't as good at it will have one less thing to deal with.

Regarding spins, I edited in a bit but I'll repeat; spins are less accessible than combos. I can't change the combo table or force TGM combo recognition or anything like that, so I'm just working with what I have. Since there's no blocking or countering, it's pretty easy to prevent huge combos with a little familiarity, and it will be risky to stack up particularly high. Since it's change on attack, only Tetrises will lead to tennis, but change per line would make things too messy, so combos also add a mechanism for some messier garbage.


Change the garbage mechanism then? If it was a fairly high percent change rate per line it'd be pretty interesting IMO. To break the ARS 20G aspect defeats the point of the mode largely for me. Like, as one of the best ARS 20G players out there, you'd think I'd have at least some advantage, and yet I completely don't because combos totally neutralise it. It's not remotely a 20G ARS mode. It's a combo mode with a bit of ARS 20G spicing.

And my b**** about the huge-a** lock delay is only because it screws me up when I naturally wait for the piece to lock itself (when I've had to faff to place it, and instinctively wait to avoid double-locking as I would in Death/Shirase) so not really an issue.


That's silly. If you're one of the best ARS 20G players out there, then you should have no trouble at all succeeding. A poorer player doing a combo starter will not "neutralise" your skill, it will just force you to play differently. As long as you kick out a reasonable amount of attack, they won't be able to stack a very large combo--and if that's all they can bring, then you will take them out easily after the opener is over.

I realize you hate combos and enjoy debate, but the time to provide input and suggestions was months ago when I asked for them. (Oh wait, you did: you suggested that I shouldn't do ARS 20G on the basis that nobody would be skilled enough to play it. And now you're complaining that somehow those unskilled players are going to defeat you because of combos?) At this point, it's sanding the corners and trying to put out something that will work, rather than completely changing the choices I made.

The point of type G is to be about the "easiest" playable 20g ARS mode I can make it. I think it's fairly successful at that. I'd have loved to use TGM garbage, but it's not available. I'm not fond of something like 20% because it still nets huge streaks, and even then it doesn't address the other point I raised about making attacks more accessible to players. I can't do anything about sky-high 3-wides, that's up to the person facing it, and it isn't terribly hard to deal with.


I was a bit confused on the dates. Since I need a week to schedule the first round, the signup closure date was wrong. I've corrected it; if you have plans to enter a team and this change affects you, please PM me as soon as you can and we'll work it out.


Quote from: Rosti_LFC
And my b**** about the huge-a** lock delay is only because it screws me up when I naturally wait for the piece to lock itself (when I've had to faff to place it, and instinctively wait to avoid double-locking as I would in Death/Shirase) so not really an issue.

For what it is worth I agree. I think the mode would be more exciting if there was some challenging lock delay. But it atleast needs some lock delay or have an option for people to put their own lock delay into effect. If some people want infinite that is fine, but I don't see any difference in having a customizable lock delay.