Nullpo Tetris League: SEASON TWO HAS BEGUN

Started by Rosti_LFC, January 03, 2011, 03:32:20 PM

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Sub 45! 44.50!

Also thanks for removing TF.


Just a reminder to people that there is just under a week left to sign up if you haven't already, and for those who have to post any improvements to their 40L times.

The first season will begin a week tomorrow, and divisions should be finalised and up by this time next week. The first season will most likely be six weeks in duration, which should hopefully give people ample time to get all their matches played.


I don't know what this is about...but sign me up?
I am always too late to sign up for things around here, so w/e this is, I'm in.
☠ Apocalypse


Quote from: Apocalypse
I don't know what this is about...but sign me up?
I am always too late to sign up for things around here, so w/e this is, I'm in.

You'll have to give me a 40 lines time so I can place you.

Also probably not a bad idea to at least read the first post before next week  


☠ massi4h


oh right... 33.50

 at massi4h for being faster than me
☠ ZeroT


Is asking for Apoc's time necessary? 23.04 :x


"I am dreaming less and sleeping more, but I'll sell my soul for the dream you stole." - Armor for Sleep


Quote from: coolmaninsano
Is asking for Apoc's time necessary? 23.04 :x
My thoughts as well, haha.
<a href=><img src="" border='0' alt="My Backloggery" /></a>


In order for the rules to apply equally to everybody, yes it is.


I wanna play!

*coyly tells his sub-par 40L time* T_T




i'll try  

berry !e.NL2rEDUY 47.23 secs


Two days or so left to sign up...

It's not reflected in the first post yet, but I'll probably split it into five divisions. It'll make them a bit small for the first season, but it should mean that the first season runs fairly short and any kinks can be ironed out quickly.

I also reckon that it'll be much easier to add players to divisions and expand them than it'll be to insert new divisions when they start getting big. I'd say four divisions would hold well up until around 64 players - 15 more than are currently registered. Five divisions should be good up until 80 players or so (31 more), which means that it should be able to stay with five divisions pretty comfortably for a long time.

Plus I'd say that more frequent short seasons will probably be more entertaining than less frequent but longer ones.