Playstation 3 Tetris Will Be A Big Deal

Started by Blink, December 10, 2010, 05:31:09 AM

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I don't understand why they would try to make a tetris team "sport" mode and have it only work for noobs. From the looks of it, nothing stops your team from both going attacker and spiking your enemy down with 20+ lines of garbage. Solid garbage is non-sense.

Quote from: paul
why does it look pointless?  

and i can confirm this is live.

u can switch between attacker and defender

defender clear lines. (for both)
attacker send lines. (for both)
2 defender get the bonus of clearing an extra line.
2 attacker get the bonus of faster drop speed for the enemy.

How is faster drop speed for the enemy a bonus? Without sonic drop, it allows them to perform t-spins faster.

Quote from: paul

you have no idea what you are talking about.





you guys are beeing too aggressive at each others.
Paul, you cannot deny that there is no downstacking in this mode.
Like another person said, this game is EXACTLY an apm war with good timing involved. You have to build huge setups quickly and be able to clear lines at any time.
However, like Paul said, right now the majority of people goes like 30 tpm and makes almost only singles, so they add close to 0 lines.
The only times I have needed to switch to defender was when i was trying to save my teammate because he overstacked with lots of misdrops.

I don't think this mode involves no skill like some other persons said. It will involve watching  your opponents field alot basically all the skill will be transfered to timing and stacking/setup-making instead of balancing between downstacking, timing and setup-making.




Quote from: paul
i didn't say that?

yea most ppl suck at this game and it's easy to own. whatever.

i never denied there is no downstacking. so there is none. big deal. if the garbage was not solid the defender role would be unnecessary. different game mode. different rules. i think there is an interesting aspect to the defender role tho. when u block garbage with MORE garbage the other team gets the surplus garbage. so the defender can also send garbage. but i might be mistaken and just imagining things.

it's a fun and very competitive mode.

am i the only one who hates the sound effects? i only play with everything muted and my own music since yesterday. i wrote to ea customer support about a lot of issues. i hope if anyone contacts ea u also include the sound effect issue. (most ppl who do now, only complain about the friend-replay challenge  issue.)

Yeah the sound of glass breaking is pretty annoying, but I get the same annoyance with the sound with all the tetris game I have played and I eventually disable it on all games despite loving it in the first place. After a while, every repetitive sound gets annoying in my opinion.


Is there any difference between the multiplayer and Battle 2P/6P?




Quote from: paul
what do u mean?

I mean what ever one that there's the argument about the solid garbage or whatever.




Just because your teammate is live, doesn't mean the opponents are.

Unless your opponents actually respond to you while playing (chat, etc) we can assume the opposing team is a replay, possible boosted by an attack/defense adjustment heuristic.

Now depending on how many are playing your opponents MAY be live, but it's entirely possible for the sytem to fall back on replays to guarantee the availability of an opponent.


Quote from: zaphod77
Just because your teammate is live, doesn't mean the opponents are.

Unless your opponents actually respond to you while playing (chat, etc) we can assume the opposing team is a replay, possible boosted by an attack/defense adjustment heuristic.

Now depending on how many are playing your opponents MAY be live, but it's entirely possible for the sytem to fall back on replays to guarantee the availability of an opponent.

buy a ps3, buy the game, then you can talk.
All the players have to switch to a "ready" state, so it is CLEAR that it is real multiplayer (unless you really want to be paranoid) "attack/defense adjustement heuristic" =>  youre putting too much faith in ttc


Is it true that there's no win counter?  How fail.




Quote from: paul

u know what's also "fail"?
no rss feed for the news and no news about the release of this game on harddrop.

There is this thread and a banner saying "The wait is over, EA brings Tetris to the PS3" already right above the news if you check.  I'm sure people on HD know it's released in Europe by now.