Playstation 3 Tetris Will Be A Big Deal

Started by Blink, December 10, 2010, 05:31:09 AM

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Quote from: Blink
There is this thread and a banner saying "The wait is over, EA brings Tetris to the PS3" already right above the news if you check.  I'm sure people on HD know it's released in Europe by now.

I had no idea :s


I have a feeling this game is going to have somewhat of a larger impact on then what past Tetris games have had. For starters this game is being advertised all over the place on PSN just the icon makes it look like the "Ultimate" Tetris game! The only way this game could picked up competitively threw MLG, WCG, or anything for that matter is if they know that there are a lot of competitive Tetris players out there just waiting to get in a larger scene! I will be doing my part by including this game once it hits at my local fighting game scene tournaments, and including them in out Games n Go Championships if I am able, and I'll even run the Tetris tourney. I also plan to be hosting online tournaments for this game, and if I ever get decent turnouts I'd even include some prizes. It all starts with a scene and that's what I think us as competitive Tetris players need to do. I'm going to see if I can do anything as contact a staff member on the gamebattles website and even see if they'd be interested in including a Tetris PS3 ladder sometime soon.


Tetris PS3 hit PS Store, tomorrow for 9.99$ Not a bad price for all those modes!


is this a promo account from some ea rep? js
[div align=\\\"center\\\"]NullpoMino[/div]


That'd be cool. If so, maybe we can get some tweaks patched in.

Or maybe murderingqueen is just super stoked. Nothing wrong with a little hype!


It's a shame that I don't have/want a PS3 and that WCG don't ever support non-xbox consoles. I doubt they'd pick up nullpomino lol.
☠ massi4h


As of now I am not going to get this game on my roommates PS3. Seems like a waste of money for another game designed by/for casual tetris players. I am content with paying the cool price of $0 for a game that is fully customizable. The only reason I would get it is if the multiplayer turns out to be very good.

Quote from: paul
you gotta be messing with me!

u assume that all that separates ppl is apm. you have no idea what it means to play the game with 3 other humans. and of of course you imagine you play perfectly. u don't. it's so typical for the braindead elitist arrogant tgm snobs.

i posted the rules. yet you twist them around like crazy. i haven't read so much nonsense in a while. you guys can't figure out anything.

go get a fu**ing brain.

How can you be so bad at grammar and say I don't have a brain? You don't know what you are talking about. In a game without downstacking, the only deciding focus is going to be APM.
Its not my fault you enjoy a tetris mode that I personally think it a shitty iteration of a possibly good idea. You are not going to convince people (or atleast myself) to buy this game by saying stupid things to people who have a lot more tetris experience than you.


paul, he isnt being an arrogant asshole or dumb at all. in a game with solid garbage there IS NO DOWNSTACKING. the ONLY things that matter in a game without dowsntack are APM and timing. perhaps this isnt so obvious at the lower levels of play.


Paul you've been warned for attacking other members of the forum.  Please read over the guidelines, if you continue to break the rules you will be banned.




Quote from: paul

i have the game. i played it a lot. i hold high positions on the leaderboards.

Having high positions on the leaderboards doesn't really say much especially for a game that hasn't yet fully been released worldwide to the market.




Do you know what flaming is?

(clearly, you don't)




No, actually, I don't like seeing posts like this:
[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]Having high positions on the leaderboards doesn't really say much especially for a game that hasn't yet fully been released worldwide to the market.[/quote]
reported as flaming, when the person reporting is someone guilty of flaming, themselves. What do you want me to do, slap them around a few times because you don't agree with them?