TTO Playoffs (PLAY ASAP!) + Prize photos

Started by Blink, September 24, 2010, 04:44:15 PM

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Last night, dmart28 and something+curley played a late round one match and dmart lost 15-1. I will post screenshot later. Does the match count?


I have rescheduled my match with the_fernst. Previous match time was Saturday, 6:00 PM PST. It has now been changed to Sunday, 10 PM PST.


My match against TetWis will be played today 6 PST, 9 pm dutch time, or +1Gmt i think.


Quote from: goofer
My match against TetWis will be played today 6 PST, 9 pm dutch time, or +1Gmt i think.

6AM PST = 3 PM Dutch, 6PM PST = 3AM Dutch.


PST = GMT-8, therefor it must be 12pm PST. I remembered from an earlier hassle.

GMT - 8:00
Friday, 10 December
0:48:54 a.m(GMT - 8:00)

that's a screen-copy at 9:49am our time from


Quote from: berry
PST = GMT-8, therefor it must be 12pm PST. I remembered from an earlier hassle.

oh yea, i did -3 instead of +3 my bad


Match brackets updated.  Schedule updated (strikethrough = eliminated, underlines = match was rescheduled)


I'm really sorry to BentoBoxer, but I'm not going to be able to make it to the game today. He would have smashed me anyway! I wanted to still turn up to be a good sport, but sadly that's not possible.



on the offchance it hasn't been reported: TranceHD over DDRKirbyISQ - 0-15 (noshow)

Sorry for the noshow Trance.  I had it marked on my calendar but ended up forgetting.  I'm sure I would have gone 0-15 against you anyways though, so it's okay ^^;


Brackets updated, schedules for next week released.  As always, if you can't make your match time schedule with your opponent as soon as possible.  

2 rounds finished, 192 players eliminated, 64 players remain.


@ Blink/Rosti

I'll be at two different volunteer events from 10am - 2pm Saturday (I volunteer at the airport regularly!) and 3pm-6pm or so at a food bank. If my match could be rescheduled for past 8pm or Sunday afternoon, that'd be best. Thanks.
[div align=\\\"center\\\"][/div]
[div align=\\\"center\\\"]Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.
~Martin Luther King Jr.


Past 8pm for you is going to be some crazy 5am time or something for me, so definitely would prefer Sunday afternoon.


Quote from: Rosti_LFC
Past 8pm for you is going to be some crazy 5am time or something for me, so definitely would prefer Sunday afternoon.

okay guys, thanks for the heads up.


I need to reschedule my round 3 match against Mippo.
We are going to play at 5PM GMT time on Saturday..... Thats 9AM PST Time.

Feel free to come watch us play and cheer me on as I CRUSH MIPPO'S SOUL.

13 mippo
77 Ravendarksky

Be there!


We have to adjust the double elimination playoffs and grand finals schedule:

The double elimination playoffs matches will now be played as soon as possible.  Once round 4 is over and you find out your opponent, schedule to play on the earliest date as there are several playoff rounds.  On January 5th @ 5PM all playoff matches which still need to be completed will be played out.  

The Grand finals will only be the final 2 players (upper bracket finalist and lower bracket finalist).  It will start at 4:00 PM PST rather than 5:00 PM PST.  This is because of some really big news:

Blue Planet Software & The Tetris Company are going to be streaming the live event on !!  They are going to have their staff commentate on the matches, and give it a more professional/sports-like feel as well as give player background information.