Expert HD Mode (Tetris Friends)

Started by Blink, August 01, 2010, 09:25:20 PM

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Quote from: KeroKai
I can't say I've ever really noticed intentional targetting from players? At least, not during early-mid-game. I can understand however when people target players who are setting up combos early game though.

Yeah occasionally the good player will get knocked out due to complete chance but I wouldn't describe that as revenge targetting.

Has your experiences been different or something?
It is my experience that there is a large amount of intentional targeting.

The case of everyone deciding to gang up on the good player is not all that common.  It does happen though. especially if you've won a few in a row.

What is much more common is people all targeting the person with the highest stack, trying to get the ko.

I can't count the number of times i've sent the most lines, yet received no KOs because i don't intentionally target.  The KO mission drove me nuts.  Tracking KOs and basing achievements on them encourages people to intentionally target.

Whoever gets hit with the first big attack will often get hit by the other players, whoever they are.

[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]
I find it more amusing how if people played at the same speed and all sent the stuff over with the same piece. The first person sending over garbage would get screwed in a 3P game with the said system. xD

P1 Tetris to P2
P2 Tetris to P3 - Garbage cancellation
P3 Tetris to P1

P2 cancels. P3 sends 4 lines over to P1.

We can experient with this tbh. To see whether the target is always on another individual in such a rotational system rather than occasionally getting 2 on 1.

I'm pretty sure there is no check to not allow someone already being targeted to not be targeted, as people report targeting cursors getting stuck on them, and getting all the lines for an extended period.

They will not do garbage to all because it denies the lesser players the ability to get KOs, which is unfriendly to the casual players.  If the player who sends the most lines sends to all then they will get all the KOs, which makes it pointless to even track them.


Quote from: zaphod77
They will not do garbage to all because it denies the lesser players the ability to get KOs, which is unfriendly to the casual players.  If the player who sends the most lines sends to all then they will get all the KOs, which makes it pointless to even track them.

What do you mean by casual players?? People playing in the platinum rooms are not casual players. People playing expert mode are not casual players. Keep bronze rooms the same I could care less, but change it to make it better for platinum/expert mode players


[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]I can't say I've ever really noticed intentional targetting from players? At least, not during early-mid-game. I can understand however when people target players who are setting up combos early game though.[/quote]

I always combo build until it targets the person I want, then I KO them. Given I don't lag like hayl. But it works most of the time because they end up getting garbage from someone else.

Targeting system is extremely flawed considering you can get garbage from two people, while others get garbage from either no one or 1 person.

This is the common cause of games like this

1st. Noob 1 ----------  Lines Sent: 33
2nd Noob2 -----------  Lines Sent 31
3rd Someone2knoe--- Lines Sent 64
4th Noob3-------------- Lines Sent 22
10th Solo2001 ----------- Lines Sent -10


Even if they don't implant Expert HD mode.

One simple change I'd like them to make is to show the total lines + garbage blocked.

Otherwise... it's pointless looking at those statistics.


rofl, so lines sent only includes the lines that are added and not blocked


☠  crzy242


Quote from: meow
rofl, so lines sent only includes the lines that are added and not blocked

Yes this is true, I asked tf support about it, and they said they weren't gonna change it.
This is also the reason why the fastest player's lines sent is always more than any other
just because he is probably cancelling a lot less garbage.
It is very obvious when you have 2 people doing big combo's, and one knocks the other out,
it's always the person who starts the combo first who sent a lot of lines the other hardly sent anything.

Also Mzhang had this technique to piss people off in 6p
where he'd just wait for incoming garbage and cancel everything
and try to become 1st with as little lines sent as possible  


Quote from: mippo
Yes this is true, I asked tf support about it, and they said they weren't gonna change it.
This is also the reason why the fastest player's lines sent is always more than any other
just because he is probably cancelling a lot less garbage.
It is very obvious when you have 2 people doing big combo's, and one knocks the other out,
it's always the person who starts the combo first who sent a lot of lines the other hardly sent anything.

Also Mzhang had this technique to piss people off in 6p
where he'd just wait for incoming garbage and cancel everything
and try to become 1st with as little lines sent as possible  

Yeah it seems a little weird how they seem reluctant to change the system. I've sent an e-mail to them asking whether it'd be possible to display such statistics: Lines sent over + [Garbage blocked by You/Others]...

Did they provide a good reason to why they wouldn't change the system? Is it just to do with the neatness of displaying data?

Then again I can imagine having these true statistics can cause an uproar within the players. With the current system, it's not entirely possible to determine who sent the most line, who garbage cancels and all that. It'd be worse in the non E+ rooms, where the handicap system will show up alot more if the system reveals player X blocked 100 lines of garbage but came third. While the 1st player had a total line of say 50.


Well, they already had removed the "lines sent" at one point and replaced it with the time when you got KO'd.
I think they didn't want to add the blocked garbage to the lines sent,
just simply because it isn't sending anything...  


lol, before you guys get carried away with things that hardly matter...FIX THE LAG!
☠ ZeroT


Quote from: mippo
Well, they already had removed the "lines sent" at one point and replaced it with the time when you got KO'd.
I think they didn't want to add the blocked garbage to the lines sent,
just simply because it isn't sending anything...  

Is there like any value in knowing how many clean lines you sent over as opposed to total lines sent over @.@;

I know which one I'd prefer as being more reflective of my abilities.


Quote from: ZeroT
lol, before you guys get carried away with things that hardly matter...FIX THE LAG!
This thread is about gameplay concerns, so I'd think statistics suggestions are more on track than reiterating the presence of performance issues. We all know about it, but -- unfortunately -- that wasn't likely to be something addressed in the rule-centric EHD update when it was on track.
<a href=><img src="" border='0' alt="My Backloggery" /></a>


Quote from: Maske
wohhhh.. I deleted my reply by mistake when modifying  
it's painful for me to write in unaccustomed language again.
too bad, it was long post. but i have seen this idea around already. here is my version, you can choose folowing powers:
* t-spin, others spins not awarded
* z-spin, s-pins, other spins not awarded
* l-spin, j-spin, other spins not awarded
* i-spin, other spins not awarded and extra tetris reward
* combo awarded, no spins awarded

and my idea for ffa garbage system, player you got least garbage lines so far get garbage. its kinda like cultris 1, but in cultris, whole combo is send to one player, and there are other strange thing. why this system is good? amout of recived garbage is same as in 1vs1 game, power of all atacks is preserved and unlike fractional garbage, change hole per attack garbage will looks same as in 1vs1. so this sysmem has even better properties than fractional garbage, and its less confusing.
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Quote from: Kitaru
This thread is about gameplay concerns, so I'd think statistics suggestions are more on track than reiterating the presence of performance issues. We all know about it, but -- unfortunately -- that wasn't likely to be something addressed in the rule-centric EHD update when it was on track.
You're right, my bad  : )
☠ ZeroT
