Expert HD Mode (Tetris Friends)

Started by Blink, August 01, 2010, 09:25:20 PM

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Quote from: Wojtek
So we already have default, expert, expert plus, now add expert hd and then what? expert blink is coming next? Why it can't be more like TOJ, with one well balanced rule suitable for everyone?

I understand that TF believe that noobs require some special treatment and should not be exposed to some serious play, but i care more about fair (no auto-ballancing) gameplay being more accessible to beginners than about adding more super elite settings.

I concur.

We do not forgive. We do not forget.


Quote from: Blink
These are actually more like features than a ruleset.

no need to repeat yourself twice  at least he'll read it here.


more das range [maybe even more than 10..]
more than one person agreeing with me outside of forums

agree with stef:
sonic drop
weaken combos
lessen line clear delay
she should win every game.
[div align=\\\"center\\\"]


faster soft drop option
all spins
weaker combos
no line clear delay
even garbage in FFA(no targeting?) would be nice
no handicap, even for teams?

or when you have expert hd checked it launches tetris online america, a standalone game that is more responsive
<div style="overflow: hidden; background-image: url(;background-repeat: no-repeat; width: 285px; height: 80px;position:relative;"><span style="width:60px;height:80px;float:left;overflow: hidden;margin-top:10px;margin-left:10px;"><a href="http://hard


Ah hm, what about Perfect Clears? Aren't they like +10 right now? That's a crapload of garbage, haha. I know that in the TGM series, the 2x multiplier on garbage for Bravos was dropped since they were deemed to be too large a reward for something so luck-based. I really don't think I like them being even stronger than that considering they're so much easier to do with Bag 7 compared to Memory 4.
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option to play with invisible minos

edit: in arena


Quote from: BlinkChanges to Expert PLUS:

+ Combo sends garbage starting on combo 2 rather than 1
+ Weaken combos somehow (possibly by spreading it out further 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3)
+ EZ T-spins send 1 line instead of 0
+ Garbage hole is changed on each attack rather than on each add to the field.
+ No or reduced line clear delay
+ Even Faster SoftDrop / Sonic Drop
+ ALL spins rewarded like on Tetris Party Deluxe
+ No auto-handicapping whatsoever

Sounds pretty good to me right there.



faster soft drop, or sonic drop (ideally I'd like to see sonic drop as an upgrade in the tuning settings, but putting it in a new ruleset is good too)

as it stands, the targetting cursor moves too slowly to be of any strategic use; so I would suggest either making the cursor move much faster (like twice a second kind of faster) or garbage send-to-all, if this is feasible.
[div align=\\\"center\\\"] My Tetris Friends profile [url=http://kingo


Overkill. If you move to 0-0-1-1 from 0-1-1-2, and add sonic drop+all spins, you've already balanced combos down quite a lot as far as starters go (look at nullpo and how many use combos to success there..) - going beyond that becomes more punishment for those who use combos to downstack, as a tool to counter further garbage while removing what you already have. In short; balance out, don't bludgeon something into the ground with a nerf-bat....

Also, FOR ME, the 'random target' in ffa is just utter rubbish. If they want a ruleset that makes things FAIR; do the distributed and possibly nerfed garbage the way nullpo does. Why on earth these idiots and TOJ got the idea that 'random garbage is fair garbage', I have no idea, but I'd gladly beat the living sh** out of whoever invented it.


Weaken combos just slightly. I still want it to be a valid strategy.
Sonic Drop/Faster drop, even though I'm not exactly a big fan of Tspins.
Distributed or faster FFA targeting.

I haven't got the chance to try out Tetris Party Deluxe, is all spin fun?


From E+

Increase soft-drop speed to TOJ-level
Decrease combos to TOJ-level
Decrease line clear delay (at least half)
Make the target in FFA/teams faster (at LEAST as fast as TOJ)

That's all.


@Aga: Don't forget that combos have the benefit of the block and that garbage is going to get messier when the hole is randomized per attack.

Anyway, check out this spreadsheet to see some of the math.
<a href=><img src="" border='0' alt="My Backloggery" /></a>


I'm a proponent of weakening combos, but I actually like having them on step one for chained/(combo-ing) B2Bs and quick combo blocking.


Completely aware. You're still doing overkill. Don't destroy downstacking.

I really don't get why people hate 4-wide so much, as in all other games, it's completely beatable. And if you can't beat it, learn it - if you still can't, that just means somebody is better than you... this is a simple fact; sometimes people are just better than you, and blaming combos is just a cheap excuse. YES combo openings in TFA are overpowered, that's one thing we're trying to figure out. But you're just working to destroy combos in general, because you don't appear see the value of them further into a game....

In a total shocker; agreeing with SS - combo at TOJ level ftw!


how about reduce lag? is it just me, or has anyone else noticed that besides probably blink, mase, ss, and some few other players, nobody can break 140tpm without huge misdrops?