Expert HD Mode (Tetris Friends)

Started by Blink, August 01, 2010, 09:25:20 PM

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Haha, I like how I propose a slight reduction and somehow I "don't see the value of combos." Proposed B is not even 10% weaker than TOJ and a full single 5 Combo still clears out a b2b tetris completely.
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I don't think Proposed A or B can completely destroy combo strategies, but I do think that it's going to be less viable for players with lower skill levels to execute a combo opener due to the lowered attack power, be it because they lack the skills to have a larger combo out or due to setup time.

I nearly forgot. AutoHandicap or this so called Dynamic Garbage is GARBAGE.


Quote from: Kitaru
@Aga: Don't forget that combos have the benefit of the block and that garbage is going to get messier when the hole is randomized per attack.

Anyway, check out this spreadsheet to see some of the math.

Actually for some reason in E+ rooms (I don't know if this is in other rooms too it starts sending +5 after a certain amount of combo (after 10 or 11?)
I posted about this somewhere here, but I don't remember where, I think a 15 combo is 50 lines.

I agree with Aga though, as much as I don't like playing against combos It would be nice for it to still have some power, it's hard to decide what would be good without having rooms to properly test it in.

Other than that faster soft drop, decrease line clear delay...

I thought some people didn't like the current garbage system, should it be more random?
(as in tetris, tsts, tsds always will be straight)

also we need a harddrop background! i'd pay 10,000 tokens for it


in TF combo's after something send 5.

QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.


Haha, screw that! Alright, re-iterating "cap at +4" in the general "at least go back to TOJ's combo table" department.
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SOlution C:"go back to Toj's table" + "cap at 4"

I think Solution A is too mcuh of a nerf.

Solution B sounds viable.
Solution C also sounds good.

lets make a poll on this?

QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.


Reduce lag (horrible), slightly weaker combos, messier garbage system, and faster soft drop  are mainly the concerns I have for Tetris Friends atm.

[blockquote]The combo balancing has to make sure that:
  • Combo opening isn't too strong
  • Downstacking combo isn't too weak
  • Downstacking combo also isn't too strong. A mediocre DS combo should not be able to kill. Merely downstacking entire games should not be a strong attacking strategy.

The current garbage system is broken because by waiting for an opponent to "fill your bar," you can easily use their attack against them. So whatever is in your bar will be grouped together. That means that keeping B2B is actually worse because it strengthens your opponent.

[blockquote]The Garbage System has to:
  • Be messier
  • Actually reward keeping B2B
  • Disallow "collecting" or "filling the bar"
Soft drop has to be:
  • Custom to each player. Some players need soft drop (fixing MDs, Prophecy setups), while others will be okay with just sonic drop. Some players even use soft drop only, so that will not be fair to them either.

Regarding All Spins, I'm kind of shaky on the idea introduced to Tetris Friends at this time. Currently a great Tetriser can beat a good Tetris/Spinner, but with All Spins, Tetrisers will not stand a chance. (Not to mention also that 96% of people don't even know basic twists yet i.e. Z-twist).

Maybe eventually add All Spins, but the progression would be too fast right now, in my opinion. For a new mode, something small instead like making T-Spin Mini score like how it does on TOJ. Other than that, focus on tuning gameplay to run smoothly and fair. This is most important first; All Spins can wait.


QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.


can't someone just send them the nullpomino source code


However, you guys do have to consider the fact that this HD mode is catered towards you guys (I wanted to say us but I'm far too weak to be considered a part of the "core players") which almost goes to mean that this is for the elite players. Perhaps we need a wee bit more information from TF regarding what's the goal of this mode before making more suggestions to help lower skilled players and strengthen competitive play?

Iunno. Just my 2 cents.


they can reward b2b by putting the +1 line add in a column other than that of the main attack
☠  crzy242


Holy crap crzy I was basically talking about the same thing to Blink not 5 minutes ago. I was trying to think if there was a good use for making a single attack a multi-part add and you've just come up with the most brilliant use for this concept hahaha. High five, you're awesome. B)

EDIT: I'm not even joking crzy I love you this is so good Shawn please use this I'm excited for this ahahaha.
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Quote from: crzy242
they can reward b2b by putting the +1 line add in a column other than that of the main attack

I like, I like.


That is pro! This would be great.


OMG i was about to say that.
well i was going to say
"make every B2B a different attack, i.e. if u score a tetris it sends 4 straight, if score a b2b tetris it sends 4 straight then 1 somewhere else"


B2B Tspin triple send 8 like toj?
(6 and 2)

QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.