Nullpomino Weeklies

Started by Kitaru, June 21, 2010, 10:44:10 PM

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Over 20 players on atm, come play for fun (tournament already started) or watch!


that was very fun.

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I'm definitely out of practice...  Stupid school is taking up too much time. Can't wait for next week though.
Best 40 Lines: 37:74 (162.18 TPM) on NullpoMino


Sounds like things went well! Sorry I couldn't be here for the first week, but I'm looking forward to the next one. :]
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I like your idea and I would also like to join these small tournaments,just for fun and practise!


Kitaru said on IRC he may not make it, but I will move ahead with this week's tournament. I see some people checking the thread so I wanted you to know I haven't abandoned you

Gonna try something interesting with the seeding:

Players who played last week will have a score based on where they placed. Before we seed the bracket, we will play three 3-player free-for-all matches; you will get 2 points for a win and 1 point for second place in these. The sum of your placement score plus your match scores will be used to seed you.

The matches will be played in moving groups. The top seed will move up a group after each match, so if the players start in order: ABCDEF, first we will play [ABC] [DEF], then [BCD] [EFA], then [CDE] [FAB].

Hope this isn't too confusing, but I'll try and make up a chart or a post beforehand so you only have to look at what group you are in!

Edit: We are starting at around 6pm PST, since I can't seem to find that info conveniently in the thread.

Edit2: That failed hardcore, I guess it's random seeding next week unless almost everyone is a repeat player or someone comes up with a good idea...



I really didn't expect to make it past the second round, so I was pretty surprised when I ended up in the quarterfinals.

I wonder if I'll be able to hold onto the title of ARS champion when Kitaru's not matched up against Blink and Goofer right away. (Probably not.)



today we play again?

last week results:
i lost my first two matches :/
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yeah get 1 going tonight
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There definitely will be one. We put the "week" in "weekly"!

Still don't have a good seeding method, probably be random again unless most of the people have played previously, in which case I may be able to rank approximately by how they placed.


Today's event is kind of up in the air. I'm not going to be around, myndzi is not around, etc. ... If it doesn't work out for today, would anyone be up for something tomorrow? If someone steps up to organize it today, that works too.
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Nullpo weeklies on for tonight?
☠ Jennr246


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Tetris Online Poland