Nullpomino Weeklies

Started by Kitaru, June 21, 2010, 10:44:10 PM

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I've been tossing around an idea of running weekly on-the-spot tournaments and figured it was about time I threw it out there for everyone to see. :P

The basic idea is that anyone that wants to participate would meet on HardDrop.Com's Nullpomino server on Saturdays at 6PM Pacific time. We'd just gather up everyone that wants to play into a bracket -- double elimination if time permits -- and go at it. Typically we'd play Nullpomino defaults (TOJ-ish garbage rules), but I was also thinking we could have days where we switch things up slightly (e.g.: a BlockBox garbage day).

Any thoughts? :]
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sounds like a good idea, yay for competition.  Have you picked what day of the week yet?


Sounds fun if it is on a good day


what day

I'm all for it but the day is important...


Welp, thought I said Saturdays but looks like I omitted that. *goes to edit*
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Saturdays at 6 PST works for me.

I vote we turn it into Tetris Club.  

The first rule of Tetris Club is the first rule of Tetris Club.
The second rule: You DEFINITELY talk about Tetris Club. We'll need more players.
Third: If someone says stop, gets kicked, or tops out, the fight is over.
Fourth: Only two guys (or girls) to a fight. Unless we do teams, which would be awesome.
Five: More than one fight at a time. Otherwise it would take too long.
Six: No cheating, no bots.
Seven: Fights will go on as long as they have to.
Eight: If this is your first night (or day, depending on where you are), you have to fight.
Best 40 Lines: 37:74 (162.18 TPM) on NullpoMino


are we going to have 20g ars expert ti mode vs?

Quote from: Kitaru
(e.g.: a BlockBox garbage day).

Any thoughts? :]

also, hooray!
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               Tetris Belts!


I would definitely join. To be honest, though, I'm a little tired of getting raped on Blockbox. Nullpo is almost as fast (and instant DAS is coming, yeah?), PLUS it has support for spins and all that, so if there is something that could be done to flatten the speed curve a little (small ARE or line clear delay, perhaps), it would probably encourage more players to participate, myself included. I'll play either way of course, but I'd rather have fun doing it...

Edit: It could be fun to do it in a little different format, too. Here's one idea: Play a sequence of rotating-participant FFA games to seed the bracket with. At first we may not have many players, so maybe 3 player FFA or so (rather than everyone at once). Give points based on people's placements which are used to rank them in the bracket. Ties can be broken by the rankings of last week's tournament, or just a single FFA involving the tied players. This wouldn't necessarily be a true round-robin, but the goal is basically to get the players warmed up without winding up in a situation where one player is dominating the FFA for many games in a row. I was thinking to rotate players in and out (like, with four players, you'd play: ABC, BCD, CDA, DAB) but I don't know how you would decide how to order the players. Anyway, just a thought.

(Actually, I kind of like this and would like to try it. If we order the people for the seed round by the results of the last tournament [new players or people who didn't play last time at the end; dunno how to sort them - order of signup?] then in the seed round we get games between people of close skill. This could give the lower end players a bigger chance to seed high, though, so if we use these results to instead modify the turnout from the last tournament, what we get is people who do well in the seed round move up, ladder-style, in the seedings. The larger the FFAs, the more games get played for each person, the greater the chance for them to do well and move up or down a lot in the seeding.)


Let's say we had 6 players, A-F. A got first place, F last place. We decide on 3 person FFAs. We play 6 games: ABC, BCD, CDE, DEF, EFA, FAB. If each person got a 1st place, a 2nd place, and a 3rd place in these games, the seeds would be the same as the results of the last tournament. But if, say, player D got three 1sts, he would move up a place or two. Note that this arrangement gives the first N players an advantage, because they wind up playing against the tail end for some of their games, but I think this is OK. The winner ought to have some reward, yeah?


@Paul: Rotation rule selection is open to all participants. ARS, SRS, DTET, Nintendo -- whatever floats your boat.

@myndzi: As far as speedcurves go, I think we're going to go for zero delays to start. However, we can definitely play with the numbers if so desired.
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I can be pretty consistently available, so I hereby volunteer for scorekeeping/spreadsheet wizarding duties if desired.


I would like to propose that we have some friendly ffa/team matches as well during this time for those who aren't interested in the tournament but want to try out Nullpomino's netplay. These could happen during or after the tournament.

Sick of Blink kicking your a**, how would you like to be on his team!?! 3v3, 2v4, 1v2v2, etc


Yeah, I agree. I think there will be some friendlies/warm-up matches before the tourney while things get organized, and people would definitely be encouraged to stick around for some games after the fact if they're up for it. Side matches during the tourney itself? Sure, also sounds good. :]
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Bump with the format for the tourney this week:

Signing up:
Tourney organizers will make rooms for pre-tourney friendlies. Join up if you'd like to get in the action! After enough time has been allowed for people to get online and the brackets are all sorted, tourney organizers will hop into the rooms to announce the start of the tourney. Matches will be assigned in the server lobby.

Room rules:
Main settings>
   Max Players: 2
   Auto Start Delay:
   Hurryup Seconds: -1
   Spin Bonus: T-Spin Only
   Use Maps: No
   Rule Lock: No
   Back to Back: Yes
   Combo: Yes
Speed settings>
   Gravity: 1
   Denominator: 60
   ARE: 0
   ARE Line: 0
   Line delay: 0
   Lock delay: 30
   DAS: 14

Players are allowed to use any rotation rules or tuning settings desired.

The tournament will be double-elimination with random pairing. Games will be first to 7 wins, with the exception of finals which will be first to 15.


EDIT: has some rules that may come in handy.
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sounds good!

...too bad I can't even go to the first one! I have to go to partay with my friends tomorrow ;(
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