
Started by Caithness, April 06, 2010, 12:24:55 PM

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new day, new netplay fixes by the developer - coming together nicely!

updated the server to the new [link removed]

[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]Some bugfixes and minor changes. There are some bugs left though. (ex. You can still start a game even if everyone is on the same team)

Version (2010/05/08)
#This version is still compatible with 6.9.0.* netplay servers. However, there are some bugfixes to NetPlay server.
+NetPlay: Added a proper GUI of team change.
+Swing: You can double-click the mode select list box to start the game.
-Slick: 64bit LWJGL libraries were still 2.4.2. Changed back to 2.1.0.
-NetPlay: Fixed a ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException bug in field updateing routine.
-NetServer: Fixed various bugs of team play. (Includes disconnecting NPE bug on
-NetServer: Player queue should work fine now.

Oh, I forgot some more changes in the readme:
-DIG MANIA: Big mode removed
-Slick: Fixed "Field BG bright" option's description (128 is max, but description said 255 instead)[/quote]
[div align=\\\"center\\\"]NullpoMino[/div]


Another update, new errors :/

10-05-08 12:53:01,144 [main] INFO  org.game_host.hebo.nullpomino.gui.slick.NullpoMinoSlick: NullpoMinoSlick Start
10-05-08 12:53:01,277 [main] ERROR org.game_host.hebo.nullpomino.gui.slick.NullpoMinoSlick: Game initialize failed
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: C:\Games\Nullpomino\NullpoMino6_9_0_2\lib\lwjgl.dll: Can't load IA 32-bit .dll on a AMD 64-bit platform
   at java.lang.ClassLoader$NativeLibrary.load(Native Method)
   at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary0(Unknown Source)
   at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary(Unknown Source)
   at java.lang.Runtime.loadLibrary0(Unknown Source)
   at java.lang.System.loadLibrary(Unknown Source)
   at org.lwjgl.Sys$
   at Method)
   at org.lwjgl.Sys.doLoadLibrary(
   at org.lwjgl.Sys.loadLibrary(
   at org.lwjgl.Sys.<clinit>(
   at org.lwjgl.opengl.Display.<clinit>(
   at org.newdawn.slick.AppGameContainer$
   at Method)
   at org.newdawn.slick.AppGameContainer.<clinit>(
   at org.game_host.hebo.nullpomino.gui.slick.NullpoMinoSlick.main(

BTW, I did already change those two files as before....
Is it not 64 bit anymore? :S
Sdl version does not run either, swing runs but ofcourse slowly as before.

Alright, I've messed around enough I fixed it, must be the 64 bit dll was missing or did not work and I just replaced it from a previous version, so I guess Nevermind .
☠ Jennr246


just tried slick version on my win7 64bit installation a few minutes ago, gave no problems
not quite sure where this comes from, looks to me like you have some form of 64bit java installed? (maybe for a 64bit browser?)
I'm running a normal 32bit java install, didn't give any problems so far

edit: alright cool
[div align=\\\"center\\\"]NullpoMino[/div]


Quote from: Wojtek
new version is out!!
why do you think orange is better than cyan?

Actually, there are seven Tetrimino colors and six player colors. The straight line Tetrimino, no matter what color, will be the excluded Tetrimino color in six player colors.


I just noticed lines won't clear when using rule classic0 in room with ARE set to 0.
sorry if some of my bug reports are pointless.
Recommended games:
Tetris Online Poland


Quote from: Wojtek
I just noticed lines won't clear when using rule classic0 in room with ARE set to 0.
sorry if some of my bug reports are pointless.
Is the developer aware of this thread?
It's all about the love


Quote from: clincher
Is the developer aware of this thread?
Recommended games:
Tetris Online Poland


Since Burbruee's server is back i closed mine, sorry. I will keep running iiBlocks and Monster Trickles instead. Not like anyone play those, but still this is more useful than another Nullpo server. I'm kinda limited on available memory, sorry.
Recommended games:
Tetris Online Poland


I think I would stick with a cyan frame. However, I made the colors of Tetriminos in this game:

I - orange
J - yellow
L - green
O - purple
S - red
T - cyan
Z - blue

Netplay Frames (up to 6 players can play):
1 - blue
2 - red
3 - green
4 - yellow
5 - purple
6 - cyan

On nullpo netplay, the pink frame should be purple frame, and the blue and red frames should be switched. The colors in order are blue, red, green, yellow, purple, and cyan.


Can anyone help me with this?

I run Windows XP, I have the latest version of java, and this is a fresh install

[!--ImageUrlBegin--][a href=\\\"\\\" target=\\\"_new\\\"][!--ImageUrlEBegin--][img width=\\\"400\\\" class=\\\"attach\\\" src=\\\"\\\" border=\\\'0\\\' alt=\\\"IPB Image\\\" /][!--ImageUrlEnd--][/a][!--ImageUrlEEnd--]

[EDIT] Please do not advise me to google my error. I have already, but Chrome doesn't translate geek to plain english.


this sounds to me like you are launching the game wrong somehow, are you using one of the bats (preferably play_slick.bat)?
if so, maybe your javaw is somehow called strangely by default in java web start mode (from your exception it shows that javaws is called) - since jnlp is the java networking launch protocol, which shouldn't be needed here from what I've seen in the nullpo source so far: there's no intention of running this off the web, and no xml (jnlp) for that either - we're just launching a normal class inside a local jar, that's all
unfortunately I'm not the big java runtime environment pro, maybe someone else knows more here.
which version/edition (exact file) of java do you have installed?
[div align=\\\"center\\\"]NullpoMino[/div]


Thanks for attempting to help xlro.

I got it to work just fine yesterday.

After a few hours with no responses I just google'd it again and found the solution. I did multiple things so I'm not too sure what was it that did it but it just fine now.

The worst part was when I finally got it working, no one wanted to play! The 1p modes are entertaining though.


i cant get neplay to work boooo
"Do or do not, there is no try" - Yoda


But the rest of the game works fine?

What kind of error messages are you getting?


Quote from: WeepingAngel
I just found an extremely AWESOME!!! bug in Nullpomino  

Nullpomino bug
I seen another person with this bug, i think if game is droping frames, stats are not reported correctly. Basicaly time just go slower for player who is droping frames. Also Hurry Up won't start such player.
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