
Started by Caithness, April 06, 2010, 12:24:55 PM

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[div align=\\\"center\\\"]NullpoMino[/div]


Another error with the new released version, if you have 64 bit java, and you do not have sound this is why:
There is 1 file missing from the folder NullpoMino 7_0_1/lib/LWJGL2_4_2. You will need it for sounds to work, its called OpenAL64.dll.
You can download it here:
Once you download, go to lwjgl-2.4.2/native/windows and copy the OpenAL64.dll file into your NullpoMino/ lib folder.

Thanks for the help Wojtek.

☠ Jennr246


what kind of java are you guys with problems using btw? the normal edition (also for 64bit os) should be 32bit, just asking cause it's not a 64bit os problem in general, never had any problems with that, using win 7 64bit with a std java jre and jdk 32bit install
[div align=\\\"center\\\"]NullpoMino[/div]


xlro, I have 64 bit java installed on my system this is why i keep running into problems
☠ Jennr246


some windows 64 bit libs are missing in 7.0.1 package, also linux and mac os x libs are missing. is this mistake?

i want to report some problems:
- sometime my default setting for create game dialog are owerwriten with setting from room i played. i think this happens when i use "view settings" button but dont know exact conditions of this bug
- since you added toj minos i use override my mino style on game tuning with toj minos, but sometimes my minos get changed to style 12 minos. again, i'm not exactly sure when this happens

thanks for implementing fractional garbage. i think its good idea for 3p+ player games, because it don't create imbalance between strong and weak attacks (reduce attack power options does it). however some people say there are too few lines of garbage with fractional garbage on. maybe there is some bug or this system just don't work as well as expected. i need to test it more.

i have seen this system in blockbox (i think it was called vs x) and it worked much better. this is probably because blockbox don't have garbage cancelling. in nullpo currently you have to cancel any <1.0 garbage before sending anything, maybe it should be changed. any suggestions?

and i think it should not be possible to use "reduce attack power" and "fractional garbage" together. i should be dropdown list: "send to all", "reduced", "fractional".
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only way to communicate with noname currently if to meet him on nullpomino. he is usually there always after he release new version. he said we can submit our code by posting diff patches on forum and he will add it. i think he is interested in all kind of stuff, but he mentioned gui improvements and bugfixes. he also said he want more maps.
Recommended games:
Tetris Online Poland


Quote from: Wojtek
only way to communicate with noname currently if to meet him on nullpomino. he is usually there always after he release new version. he said we can submit our code by posting diff patches on forum and he will add it. i think he is interested in all kind of stuff, but he mentioned gui improvements and bugfixes. he also said he want more maps.

Couldnt we just use a version concurrencing system likje CVS, SVN or GIT ?


There are three image files needed to be changed as shown:



[!--ImageUrlBegin--][a href=\\\"\\\" target=\\\"_new\\\"][!--ImageUrlEBegin--][img width=\\\"400\\\" class=\\\"attach\\\" src=\\\"\\\" border=\\\'0\\\' alt=\\\"IPB Image\\\" /][!--ImageUrlEnd--][/a][!--ImageUrlEEnd--]

These images are in your NullpoMino/res/graphics folder.

However, rules using Tetris 1989 blocks need to be changed:
I-orange, J-yellow, L-green, O-purple, S-red, T-cyan, Z-blue.


I think we're gonna have a svn soon - would be helpful and lead to less bugged builds probably (see my post on TC).

NullpoMino 7.0.2 is out:[link removed]
[div align=\\\"center\\\"]NullpoMino[/div]


Quote from: holdnext
There are three image files needed to be changed as shown:
The rule editor allows you to specify colors of individual blocks. None of this is necessary. In fact, it makes the rule editor refer to the incorrect colors.
<a href=><img src="" border='0' alt="My Backloggery" /></a>


Actually, my image files are fine. All you need is to change the rules using Tetris 1989 blocks and refer to the correct colors I gave you.


Sorry, my mistake. I thought you had posted up new images because you had changed around the colors. I didn't realize you had modified any blockskins since nothing else looked new at first glance.

I still don't understand why you've moved those blocks around, though. They're monochrome, so the only reason they were in those columns was that you could use the guideline color codes to refer to the appropriate sprite for that block.
<a href=><img src="" border='0' alt="My Backloggery" /></a>


My reason I move monochrome blocks:
Hint: there is no orange frame; the straight line piece is orange

The rule files are NintendoL and NintendoLFast.


holdnext, you make the most random postings ever (for my understanding); 90% of the time I don't get at all what your are trying to say - might be just me tho.

can you explain what this business with the orange I is all about? by now, I got that the color is somehow not used for one of the players frames in mp? - and that your mino coloring is a special one you use for nullpo (and you would like to have it as a standard?)
and especially why you care so much about all this (since you can change the colors in the rule editor just fine, lilke you did, no?)

or is this some kind of running gag, I just totally missed?

maybe you can write out the complete problem(s), not just using hints
[div align=\\\"center\\\"]NullpoMino[/div]


I strongly suspect that holdnext is just a bot using Markov chaining to generate text to troll us all.