
Started by Caithness, April 06, 2010, 12:24:55 PM

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The I Tetrimino is the only Tetrimino that clears four lines at once.
When I Tetrimino is orange, the J Tetrimino is yellow, L Tetrimino is green, S Tetrimino is red, Z Tetrimino is blue, T Tetrimino is cyan, and O Tetrimino is purple.
I would also like to have this as a standard.
I also like these colors of Tetriminos (there are six player colors, there is no orange player color).


Quote from: holdnext
The I Tetrimino is the only Tetrimino that clears four lines at once.
I would also like to have this as a standard.
I also like these colors of Tetriminos (there are six player colors, there is no orange player color).

There are seven Tetriminos. The block with the hole is an octomino. It has four axes of reflection symmetry. Five other octominoes have a hole. We should make the block with the whole orange, as a standard.


O_o.... Orange is a color, made by mixing yellow and red...?

g u r l g a m e r


i think the block with the hole should be gray as a standard actually.


Quote from: holdnext
i think the block with the hole should be gray as a standard actually.

There's only one Tetrimino that can clear no more than two lines. It's the O-Tetrimino. It looks like the block with the hole, but it doesn't have a hole. It's yellow.


Quote from: myndzi
I strongly suspect that holdnext is just a bot using Markov chaining to generate text to troll us all.
[div align=\\\"center\\\"]NullpoMino[/div]


Ghost (empty) room  stays on nullpomino server.

I'm working on improvemnts for fractional garbage system.

I have request, win counting. Would be very useful for ladder and tournament matches. It should work like TOJ stars (on bottome of frame). I wanted to work on it myself, but i think fractional system imrovemnts are more urgent.
Recommended games:
Tetris Online Poland


I actually think the ability to leave empty rooms could be useful. It should be optional, though, of course.


ok, i made two changes to fractional garbage system
- denominator is now 60 not 10 so 3 doubles in 4p games will now send 1/3 + 1/3 + 1/3 = 1 to each player instead of 0.3 + 0.3 + 0.3 = 0.9
- garbage canceling only when there is at least one full line of garbage, if not your attack power is used for sending

this should solve problem with too few garbage in divided garbage system. but i still not happy about how this system works. :-/

here is patch:
hope i didn't break anything

i thinking about:
- maybe only send garbage should be divided and attack power used for cancelling should not be divided, but not sure about it
Recommended games:
Tetris Online Poland


100% cpu usage bug occurred again after 4 and a half days of uptime, on version 7.0.
The normal cpu usage of the netserver is pretty low, only taking a couple minutes of cpu time per day on my box.

Logs are giving no indication at all, what is causing this bug, but I'm suspecting some not so clean network disconnects or similar to be the source of the problem. Next step would be to systematically check the whole server code for blocks, which could actually cause this kind of behavior, e.g. through incorrect use of the socket functions, unwanted polling or similar effects.

I'm giving it a last chance for now, restarting the netplay server, if it acts up again, I'm gonna have to wait for a proper fix.
[div align=\\\"center\\\"]NullpoMino[/div]


what's with Burbruee's server?
Recommended games:
Tetris Online Poland


I can't connect to it atm, but I think it should be up in general - dunno how much players are on there normally tho, so that he might not have experienced the bug himself, yet.
I've seen it two or three times now on my box, which is online 24/7, runs stable for over a year now, and has no experimental versions or anything funny installed for the java environment.
[div align=\\\"center\\\"]NullpoMino[/div]


I made a rule.

This rule is like SRS, but a little different.
-IRS and IHS is allowed.
-you can put above viewable field.
-hidden height 3
-ARE 0-10 Line Clear 0-10
-DAS 8-12

This rule is not faster than StandardZero, but i think that you can see the enemy's field.

This message is for author:
I'm Japanese and not good at English.
If you don't understand my sentences, I'll explain in Japanese.


Quote from: xlro
100% cpu usage bug occurred again after 4 and a half days of uptime, on version 7.0.
The normal cpu usage of the netserver is pretty low, only taking a couple minutes of cpu time per day on my box.

Logs are giving no indication at all, what is causing this bug, but I'm suspecting some not so clean network disconnects or similar to be the source of the problem. Next step would be to systematically check the whole server code for blocks, which could actually cause this kind of behavior, e.g. through incorrect use of the socket functions, unwanted polling or similar effects.

I'm giving it a last chance for now, restarting the netplay server, if it acts up again, I'm gonna have to wait for a proper fix.
did u try to open up the java console to see if there was some messages.
EDIT : you could also try to run some java code analyzer like findbugs and look for infinite loops i will try this at home


I find a bug.

I cannot see the word NEXT and HOLD (version 7.0.2).