Blockbox (Post feature requests, bugs, etc)

Started by deniax, July 15, 2009, 02:53:59 AM

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Actually I think it is when you get to level 999 (or level 1300 in Expert Ti) credit roll doesn't count in your time
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I think jujube is right now that I look up the TGM grading, because S9 is for 120K and I scored 122K, so that probably makes sense if I only scored 2K over the last 20-some seconds.


Suggestion: set up automated messages that post whenever someone sets a new personal high score. Something like Magnanimous has set a new 40 Lines record of 53.58 seconds, an improvement of 1.92 seconds. (Which just happened, by the way. )
Best 40 Lines: 37:74 (162.18 TPM) on NullpoMino


Quote from: iphys
I think jujube is right now that I look up the TGM grading, because S9 is for 120K and I scored 122K, so that probably makes sense if I only scored 2K over the last 20-some seconds.

Are you talking about TGM1/Marathon 1? Because if you are, then making it to 999 with S9 grade and under 13:30.00 nets you Grand Master rank



I'm pretty sure BlockBox only has the "x grade by level y" and "end no later than 13:30 with 126k points" requirements implemented. Here is the full set of criteria:
S9 by 960 is a new one to me, actually.

Hm, might as well do a report while I'm here:
+ARS I can wall kick in modes other than Marathon 3, Expert Ti, 0G modes, and multiplayer. It should not.
+Is anyone else getting weird graphical flicker? KevinDDR and I have this problem. The section time graphic flickers in front of the field sometimes.
+I noticed a weird double rotate bug recently that I can't trigger anymore. If I held CCW1 out of IRS, CCW1->CW2 would act like CCW1->CW2.
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I always seem to misdrop in the marathon modes on BB after some zangi move (DAS to wall, firm drop, tap in the opposite direction). the piece always slides more than one cell when i tap once as if the DAS is still kicked in. this doesn't happen in Texmaster or other clones...

anyone else have this problem?


Quote from: clincher
I thought this wasn't possible:
[!--ImageUrlBegin--][a href=\\\"\\\" target=\\\"_new\\\"][!--ImageUrlEBegin--][img width=\\\"400\\\" class=\\\"attach\\\" src=\\\"\\\" border=\\\'0\\\' alt=\\\"IPB Image\\\" /][!--ImageUrlEnd--][/a][!--ImageUrlEEnd--]

Speaking of that, it appears that in custom VS, the "random" garbage selection isn't as random as normal rated. You get a lot of clean garbage, I'm not sure why.

I have had a bug where Blockbox locks up when leaving a game, it has occurred a lot, but I have been unable to discern a pattern in when it happens and when it doesn't.

While I'm here, it would also be nice to at least disable the dialog that pops up and asks you to play or go to the lobby. It's extra annoying on top of the "free 40 cents" dialog.

I'd probably use Facebook if I was able to somehow link my Facebook account to my Blockbox account. Should be able to do this fairly easily by sending an e-mail to verify ownership of the account you want to use from Facebook (or just log in with the username and password?)

I sometimes get the same "lag" thing Feynman mentioned, it's kinda frustrating especially because it's not consistent.

The leave game button is not in English anymore when spectating a game. It sometimes gets overlaid with the English one so that they are both there.

For some reason after leaving a game and ending a new game, the status screen still holds over from the previous one you were in. If I was playing VS, left, and started a game of 40lines, it would show the person I had been playing against after the game ended. I suspect this might be related to the bug causing BB to lock up.

I never heard from you, so I don't know if you were aware of the IRC problem where ghosts stuck around too long. I have since heard other people having the same problem. For me, forcing a disconnection through the game page didn't /kill my ghost, but then I did see it happen some other time. Perhaps the bot doing the /killing was offline or nonfunctional at the time? Either way, a ping delay seems in order.

Left clicks popping up the context menu has gotten really irritating for me at least. You can't click to make the menu go away in many cases, and frequently clicking selects text when you don't want to. I for one would like to see things back to single click to view a user's stats, as well.

I have no idea if this should be a bug or not, but the 180 T-spin doesn't kick the same when mirrored  That is, a |- with 180 won't kick down but a -| with 180 will.

I think it would be nice if the control settings were separate from the new game interface. It's unnatural seeming to change settings, click cancel, and have them be saved. It would eliminate some uncertainty to be able to just click OK to close a dialog and have your settings saved. Bonus if you can access it from in a game, like the sound settings. (But of course, careful of games that force DAS.)

Speaking of which, the custom VS option "DAS 4 everyone" is confusingly named. Does it mean "everyone uses this DAS below, here" or "everyone gets to use their own DAS"? It seems to be the latter, but this could be fixed by renaming it to something like "Force DAS" (this would invert the meaning, but make it clearer).

Fake edit: I just did some testing. BB locked up twice in a row under this exact sequence: Created VS game (unrated, but I don't think that matters), died, clicked STOP, created 40 lines game, clicked Leave Game.

I had profane try it and it didn't lock up for him, and then I did it once more and it didn't lock up for me. I'm not sure what other factor may be involved (maybe latency?), but that sequence ought to put things on the right code path. I vaguely recall having it freeze after a solo session with no vs involved, but it happens frequently to me in just this sort of situation.

I have been getting lockups when all I did was join, play some survivor, then leave. So I am out of ideas.

That's all I can think of for the moment, thanks again for all your work!


Quote from: oliv
A bug in the credits at the end of a TI game (i was watching hebo mai's replay)

Yeah, credit roll is broken and replays don't work properly either
It's a shame though, I don't think Deniax checks this thread anymore
It's all about the love


Graphical glitching has made BlockBox just about unplayable for me these days. The playfield is obstructed half of the time! :<
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on vs mode, if you've played vs and nothing else for the last 20 games, is it possible for your apm to be higher than your lpm? Orestes and I thought that it should be impossible because on bb vs, adds can't get higher than lines sent. Yet my lpm is 43.5 and my apm is 49.5- is this a possible set of stats?
               Tetris Belts!


Quote from: Paul676
on vs mode, if you've played vs and nothing else for the last 20 games, is it possible for your apm to be higher than your lpm? Orestes and I thought that it should be impossible because on bb vs, adds can't get higher than lines sent. Yet my lpm is 43.5 and my apm is 49.5- is this a possible set of stats?

Currently, and commented on by many, APM reflects the actual adds, so it scales down when the adds do in, say, 4 player games. In such a case, it would be possible for lpm to become higher than apm. But a 50 apm in such a scenario seems pretty sick then.

I forgot to mention in my other post that Big Mode seems to Plain Not Work.

Kitaru: you may be able to correct the problem by doing what worked for Kevin, which is to disable hardware acceleration in Windows' display settings. Not a solution, but a workaround at least. I'm not sure at which notch it became effective for him.


Quote from: myndziKitaru: you may be able to correct the problem by doing what worked for Kevin, which is to disable hardware acceleration in Windows' display settings. Not a solution, but a workaround at least. I'm not sure at which notch it became effective for him.
Wow yep, that fixes it. What a pain!
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40 line games dont affect your apm so after obtaining a decent apm, you could play 40 lines slowly to get a lower lpm than apm.


Quote from: meow
40 line games dont affect your apm so after obtaining a decent apm, you could play 40 lines slowly to get a lower lpm than apm.
According to him, he didn't play 40L after the vs games, I don't think it's possible but he says he didn't
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