"Next Piece" Player Spotlight Nominations

Started by Blink, July 06, 2009, 02:28:12 PM

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Quote from: Blink
player of the month: solo2001 for his improvements in December during his beat Blink challenge.  Congrats on breaking the 50 second barrier.
Quote from: iphys
Congrats, solo!
thanks for making me the player of the month!!!

I suppose i've dedicated an entire topic to posting my achievements   (not to be self-centered or anything)
[15:40] DAS44: trolliest thread ever was solo's


After years away from Tetris, I have the bug again.  Anyways, today I played a perfect game on the Marathon Mode of EA Tetris Mobile on the Blackberry Storm.  That is, level 15, starting with making a single line and then getting all tetrises to maximize the possible score by getting 153 lines (679,534 points).  I also got some drop points early on so that I now believe this is the highest score I've seen anywhere.  There is a posted high schore of 850,000 or so on this site, but I really don't think that is possible on the version of the game that I have.  

Anyways, after a month or so of trying, I am happy to have achieved the perfect plus score!  


hey blink i have been beating my ultra score like no other!     got 39000 a week ago then up to 40000 then today i got 43471 3rd best in washington and 1000 more points ill get in the over all leader board. also i got 1 03 on sprint beat my record by 9 seconds!
<div style="overflow: hidden; background-image: url(http://harddrop.com/design/pic/badges/bg_black.png);background-repeat: no-repeat; width: 285px; height: 85px;position:relative;"><span style="width:60px;height:85px;float:left;overflow: hidden;margin-top:10px;margin-left:10px;"><a href="http://hard


Just got M2 on Blockbox Marathon 3!  Up from S9
<a href="http://www.soldner-x.com/profile_6881.html" target="_blank" title="Hsanrb's Profile for Söldner-X Himmelsstürmer"><img src="http://www.soldner-x.com/gamertag_6881.gif" alt="Hsanrb's Gamer Tag" /></a>


New best TF sprint - 55.45(from 56) which puts me in the #1 PA spot
new best BB 40L time - 49.82 47.63(from 53)
Actually customizing DAS/AR!
Dropped 1 second off my 40L on Tetris Splash - 60 seconds(from 61)
My average TF sprint is under a minute and over 100 TPM

g u r l g a m e r


i can rotate both ways nao ._.
lets see... 24 -17... 7 secs of my 40l?
1:17, still noob tho,
my ccw is my middle finger of my left hand, which is my second weakest finger there, and i havent sprinted after lerning to rotate, get back to u guys on my new time but i gotta practice rotating first
What a cloudy day!
No ees not ._.


I nominate Blink for beating Blink's TF Sprint time . . . so many others have tried and failed.


my problem is that im pretty good at tf i just started on bb and i am shocked at just how much worse i am on this website i cant seem to get anywhere close to the level i am on tf for example my best sprint on bb is over 30 seconds slower than on tf and i am not talking about the level of skill of other players on bb that hurts me
"Do or do not, there is no try" - Yoda


i deserve to be player of the month ive developed quite the rep. everyone says wow hes amazing better than blink  ya i should be player of the month
"Do or do not, there is no try" - Yoda


Survivor 2:18-2:45
Driller 42-27:60

Edit: Survivor 3:01:28  1/30


Rank 20 in all multiplayer games on TF, got my sprint time down to about 40 seconds now.


I nominate flamewheel91, top Ultra mode player. He recently set new record and it was mistakenly removed by TF for cheating. Full story here.
Recommended games:
Tetris Online Poland


Quote from: Wojtek
I nominate flamewheel91, top Ultra mode player. He recently set new record and it was mistakenly removed by TF for cheating. Full story here.
That would be better "compensation" than 500 tokens, lol
☠ ZeroT


I've recently learned to use both rotation buttons, besides that I've had no BIG accomplishments as of late.  I think I've been steadily progressing in my overall gameplay skills.  After joining harddrop and the tourney, I found it to be essential to have T-spins as a part of my arsenal, so I learned steadily learned how to spot opportunities and set those up decently.  I started TF sprint time at like 1:18 a few months ago and have it currently at 58 seconds.  On BB I got my sprint time down to 48 seconds.  So, I'm pretty happy with my progression so far.  


POTM = flamewheel91.

Achieved the #1 rank on TF Ultra mode.
Scored so high his record got deleted.
