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Messages - t0x

General / Recording and Uploading
August 05, 2013, 02:27:43 PM
i can highly recommend "Mirillis Action!"

you probably have to use a not so legal version if you are too lazy to buy, but its a great tool. best performance + quality i ve seen so far when recording c2
General / Help with a corrupted hard drive?
July 19, 2013, 01:34:32 AM
any specific error messages?

what do the preferences of the harddrive say? which format?
still NTFS?

have u tried opening it with some linux? (obv other than mac..)

also, maybe this stuff here can help you:



- + ( i think u need to install both)

last 2 answers are wrong. obviously it IS possible to have black and orange hair..
check yo facts people!
Block With Hole / total surveillance / 'murica
July 06, 2013, 03:00:52 AM
honestly, if you watch the current situations, the current changes -> i dont think it will become any better.

it sucks that one single person cant do much (without having access to such information), step by step our freedom is taken away...

... and we are just sitting here, masturbating.
Block With Hole / total surveillance / 'murica
July 06, 2013, 02:42:59 AM
a few days ago someone revealed that france is controlling the whole french internet system as well.
a couple of weeks ago snowden revealed that the UK is pretty much saving the whole inter-atlantic traffic FOR the states.

yes, europe is better. but we cant do shit cause your goverment has our balls in their hands. i hate the european politicians for not doing shit after all this affaires/chaos.

have u heard about the bolivian president?
few days ago he was in moscow (where snowden is) and was travelling back to bolivia. suddenly spain, italy and france forbid the plain to fly across their countries, cause they thought snowden might be on the plain.
bolivian president had to land in vienna, where they wanted to control/check his plain.

-> USA forced/blackmailed european countries to find snowden.
Block With Hole / total surveillance / 'murica
July 06, 2013, 12:40:23 AM
love that movie : O
Block With Hole / total surveillance / 'murica
July 05, 2013, 08:30:02 AM
step 1: control the internet - check

step 2: control the snail-mail - check

step 3: pursue everyone who critizes the system and uncovers your plans - check
see snowden/assange/bradley manning

step 4: forbid people to get vpns - part-check

step 5: ?

land of the free my ASS!
misstake IF that was really happening, we should see more old ppl with pink hair on the street.. also "red" hair is not really red, its more like orange-ish

i m a med-stud, pretty familiar with this stuff
Block With Hole / Harddrop redesign preview
June 28, 2013, 12:28:58 AM
@ManOfMiracles: thats a tough question, here s my answer:
if this actually is a serious question, here is a serious answer:

humans hair-colour is made by 2 different kinds of pigments:
Pheomelanin and Eumelanin (both together are called "Melanine".

Pheomelanin is for red + blonde hair. (this pigment is way smaller)
Eumelanin for brown/black hair. (way bigger pigment, thats why asians have such strong hair)

Grey hair is made by small air-bubbles in the shaft of the hair cells instead of pigments, which are missing at this point.

and obviously those pigments can be mixed.

so no, its not possible to have green hair.

@misstake: the hair gets grey (with more air bubbles) cause the amount of Pheomelanin gets less. bubbles + pheomelanin do NOT mix, they just replace each other.  

oofw: i highly doubt that.
the synthesis of the pigments is not that easy, you need enzymatic oxidation, an amino-acid, L-Dopa (from Dopamin) and some other stuff. humans themselves dont even have something that would be able to make the colour blue. IF there was some sort of mutation, we would also see that on our skin colour.

e.g. if you have a gain of function in the pituitary gland, it could be that you produce too much ACTH (a hormone, that mainly regulates the cortisol level). its mandatory for the regulation of MSH, which is a hormone that stimulates melanozytes. this leads to a hyperpigmentation of the skin (can be seen on ppl who suffer from "Morbus Addison").

atm, we only know that there could be a loss of function of the melanin-synthesis -> Albinismus
and a gain of function would lead to darker skin (afro-americans, part of the asians)

basically we dont own anything that could make the colour blue, maybe if we were able to mix our genes with blue animals, or if you d fuck a parrot...
if this actually is a serious question, here is a serious answer:

humans hair-colour is made by 2 different kinds of pigments:
Pheomelanin and Eumelanin (both together are called "Melanine".

Pheomelanin is for red + blonde hair. (this pigment is way smaller)
Eumelanin for brown/black hair. (way bigger pigment, thats why asians have such strong hair)

Grey hair is made by small air-bubbles in the shaft of the hair cells instead of pigments, which are missing at this point.

and obviously those pigments can be mixed.

so no, its not possible to have pink hair.
Tetris / Tetris games reviews by woof
June 27, 2013, 09:31:09 AM
Tetris Battle -
Tetris Friends 1/10
Cultris 8/10
Nullpomino 4/10

if this actually is a serious question, here is a serious answer:

humans hair-colour is made by 2 different kinds of pigments:
Pheomelanin and Eumelanin (both together are called "Melanine".

Pheomelanin is for red + blonde hair. (this pigment is way smaller)
Eumelanin for brown/black hair. (way bigger pigment, thats why asians have such strong hair)

Grey hair is made by small air-bubbles in the shaft of the hair cells instead of pigments, which are missing at this point.

and obviously those pigments can be mixed.

so no, its not possible to have blue hair.
Tetris / Is tetris dying?
April 08, 2013, 08:07:20 AM
people leaving TF?

[!--ImageUrlBegin--][a href=\\\"\\\" target=\\\"_new\\\"][!--ImageUrlEBegin--][img width=\\\"400\\\" class=\\\"attach\\\" src=\\\"\\\" border=\\\'0\\\' alt=\\\"IPB Image\\\" /][!--ImageUrlEnd--][/a][!--ImageUrlEEnd--]

Tetris / Is tetris dying?
April 08, 2013, 06:16:58 AM
if ppl play a tetris clone that much that they get bored, they at least know about harddrop, where they can find other clones.

also, i m not even on facebook, it was just a guess cause lately i heard a lot of friends talking about their new "high"scores..

its not like new players need updates on their fb-tetris clones. they simply dont care enough imho

@topic: in c2 we had a huge increase of players lately, i dont exactly know why. it may be cause of the several tournaments, or the fact that a few more colleges/highschools found out about the game. however: i dont think that tetris itself is dying, it might just be that the player-base changes the game they play.