total surveillance / 'murica

Started by t0x, July 05, 2013, 08:30:02 AM

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step 1: control the internet - check

step 2: control the snail-mail - check

step 3: pursue everyone who critizes the system and uncovers your plans - check
see snowden/assange/bradley manning

step 4: forbid people to get vpns - part-check

step 5: ?

land of the free my ASS!





a few days ago someone revealed that france is controlling the whole french internet system as well.
a couple of weeks ago snowden revealed that the UK is pretty much saving the whole inter-atlantic traffic FOR the states.

yes, europe is better. but we cant do shit cause your goverment has our balls in their hands. i hate the european politicians for not doing shit after all this affaires/chaos.

have u heard about the bolivian president?
few days ago he was in moscow (where snowden is) and was travelling back to bolivia. suddenly spain, italy and france forbid the plain to fly across their countries, cause they thought snowden might be on the plain.
bolivian president had to land in vienna, where they wanted to control/check his plain.

-> USA forced/blackmailed european countries to find snowden.


i read a lot about this issue on reddit. im not sure what to think (which is why im not repsonding directly to your post) but it seems like a brave thing for the person to do... a real hero as well as a real human being (as they say)... hopefully the next generation of politicans will be more understanding about the internet... the boundless wonder contained within ~


honestly, if you watch the current situations, the current changes -> i dont think it will become any better.

it sucks that one single person cant do much (without having access to such information), step by step our freedom is taken away...

... and we are just sitting here, masturbating.


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Quote from: AlexandraI don't really know much about hot dogs but I do know Aaron is the greatest moderator ever.


[div align=\\\"center\\\"]
Quote from: AlexandraI don't really know much about hot dogs but I do know Aaron is the greatest moderator ever.


Quote from: Aaron

nice double post f4GG0t

Quote from: PandaLol no, that's ludacris. I have a sentence generator, Blink....


Quote from: Aaron

nice repost f4GG0t


Quote from: t0x
honestly, if you watch the current situations, the current changes -> i dont think it will become any better.

it sucks that one single person cant do much (without having access to such information), step by step our freedom is taken away...

... and we are just sitting here, masturbating.

ummmm are u trying to confess something...? l m a o