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Messages - river140

General / what are you eating at this moment?
July 17, 2009, 12:15:17 AM
haha, no they really are good I promise.

Lentils, TSP, Garlic, Onion, jalapeƱo, a little lime, some salsa, hot sauce, and a bunch of seasonings on corn tortillas, mmmm
I think I play best when I zone out... usually I repeat "lines, lines, lines, lines..." and then eventually my thoughts wander to other things such as conversations I've had or responsibilities I must attend to. The more involved I am with my own thoughts, the better I do

If I listen to music, I get thrown off, especially if the song ends or there's too many words.
General / what are you eating at this moment?
July 15, 2009, 03:08:38 PM
I'm about to make vegetarian tacos, they are going to be delicious I can't wait to eat themmmmm!!!
Hi everyone!
Alright fine! I'll go try Blockbox again. We'll see how it goes.

I was actually thinking I should challenge my mom. She doesn't really know how to use the internet, but maybe if I hooked up the nintendo the next time I visit her we could have some quality mother-daughter time. I'm pretty sure I'd kill her  
General / Taking a break from Tetris
July 15, 2009, 12:58:34 PM
I have no real responsibilities during the summer. Not this summer at least. I technically have a job (as a substitute teacher), but I don't get any hours so I feel unemployed. I have way too much spare time!
I play considerably less while I'm taking courses though. You should definitely take some time off.

OOoooo, I want tetris wallpaper!
General / Harry Potter 6 [Spoilers Inside]
July 15, 2009, 12:45:55 PM
I was thinking maybe there should have been a spoiler warning, but really, most people who want to see Harry Potter have already read the books so there shouldn't really be any surprises.

I haven't seen it yet but I want to sooooo bad!
Hello! My mom used to play tetris a bunch when I was little (NES, and then on Genesis) and I would watch in awe, not understanding how she could possibly be capable of creating line after line. I played a few times while I was still little, but mostly I'd just get frustrated and my blocks would pile up and I'd die.
As I was walking home a few years ago with a friend I noticed a garage sale. I didn't have any money but we decided to look around anyway. Tucked into a brown paper bag in the corner of a garage we discovered a beautiful NES stored away with two controllers and about ten games, including tetris. We asked how much they'd sell it for, and they said FIVE DOLLARS! Five dollars!!!!! Oh my gosh, I got so excited. Even though I had no money, I begged my friend into paying for it.
Tetris then became my main form of procrastination.

When I close my eyes at night, I see tetrominoes falling from the darkness above me...

I forgot to say, I play on,  they have fun vs. modes and everything is so bright and cheery. I tried blockbox but  I'm so used to the controls on tetrisfriends that I get confused and do horrible
General / Taking a break from Tetris
July 15, 2009, 12:02:28 PM
Well, it's become somewhat of an obsession lately. I could play for hours on end, only begrudgingly stopping to eat and sleep, hahaha
General / What is your current occupation?
July 15, 2009, 11:58:17 AM
I guess we are mostly students then, huh?

I'm a visual arts education major at a state university in New York. I tried getting a job for the summer but no one would hire me. Not even dunkin' donuts or burger king. Or the sex shop down the street. Oh well, more time for brainless internet action.